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Pray and give to
the AIM Europe team

Find the latest prayer news and giving form for the AIM Europe home support team. Thank you. 

AIM Europe

Praise God with the Finance team that the new and current systems are integrating well with each other. Pray that the team will be able to use the new systems to their full potential so that they can serve our missionaries and the rest of the UK team well. Many of the team are away at different points over the summer, please pray for good rest for those on holiday. 

AIM Europe

Thank God for the France-based orientation that took place last weekend. Please pray for the four participants as they raise support and prepare to go to their assignments later this year. Pray that God would work in them and through them for his glory. 

AIM Europe

Summer is a time when many missionaries return to the UK for their Home Assignment. As part of our member care we offer each missionary a debrief. This is an opportunity to ‘unpack’ and process some of their experiences and how they’ve been impacted by them with a supportive listener. Please pray that Peter and Julie will connect well with those they’re debriefing; rejoicing with them in their progress and opportunities and offering compassionate understanding of the challenges and difficulties they’ve faced.

AIM Europe

The AIM Netherlands office are looking ahead at how to connect with more people and churches over the coming months. Please pray for wisdom and insight for them to determine what to focus on and how to invest their time. Please pray especially for Rianne’s work as AIM’s Mission Advisor in the Netherlands. 

AIM Europe

Please pray for AIM Europe’s Mission Advisors as they prepare to represent AIM at conferences and mission events this summer and autumn. Praise God for the unity that these connections, networks and partnerships reflect, and please pray that our Mission Advisors will serve their brothers and sisters in Christ well as they talk to them about cross-cultural mission.  

Sheona Chisholm

Sheona Chisholm is AIM Europe’s Mission Advisor for Scotland. Part of her work involves making connections with churches and their leaders, and sometimes speaking about mission in church services. Please pray for Sheona as she works to raise awareness of AIM and cross-cultural mission, and as she works with those who are exploring serving with AIM. 

AIM Europe

Please pray for the AIM France office as they grow their ministry. Pray that God will provide more personnel to work in the office, and that they will be able to better structure and divide their tasks within the office to serve AIM Europe’s French-speaking missionaries well. 

AIM Europe

Today we celebrate Joe Morgan and all the service he has given to the AIM office team over the last 16 years as our Graphic Designer. Give thanks for all that he has given to AIM and how he has been a part of making the needs in Africa known to more people. Pray for him as he moves on to work for the NHS in a design role, that he will have new opportunities in his workplace to talk of the hope he has in Jesus.