Pray and give to
the AIM Europe team

Momentum Yes
Tonight, is the first session of the online Momentum Yes course. Please pray that everyone who attends over the next six weeks will be challenged, encouraged and inspired to explore how God wants them to be involved in his call to make disciples of all nations.
AIM Europe
Please pray for the AIM Netherlands team as they meet with people who are exploring getting involved in cross-cultural mission. Please pray for open and honest conversations with enquirers and their church leaders. Pray that through these conversations God will be guiding people towards where he wants them to serve.
Please pray for those who are exploring God’s call to be involved in cross-cultural mission and evangelism. AIM’s online MomentumYes course starts two weeks today, please pray that God will be preparing the hearts of those who are coming as we look at how God is already working in the world and how we are invited to be a part of making disciples of all nations. There is still time to sign up, so if you would like to get involved click here.
AIM Europe
Give thanks that last week Carel Meganck joined the AIM UK staff as our Head of Supporter Development! Please pray for him as he looks at how AIM can better encourage people to get involved in cross-cultural mission. Please also pray for Lindsey and Stephen in the Communications team as they support Carel in his work.
Momentum Yes
Please pray for AIM Europe’s Mobilisation team as they prepare for the launch of the MomentumYes online course on 26th September. Please pray that everyone who joins the course will be inspired by hearing about what God is doing around the world and will respond to the challenge to share his love with others in their own lives. Could you help us advertise by sharing this with your church?
AIM Europe
AIM France is hoping to send five new missionaries to begin their assignments later this year. Please pray for these missionaries as they prepare to begin serving; for raising support, obtaining visas, and that God would prepare their hearts to say goodbye to family, friends and the familiar in order to fully embrace what he has prepared for them. May God work in them and through them for his glory.
Bangor Worldwide
Tonight is the opening evening of Bangor Worldwide, a week-long mission conference where Geoff Donaldson will be representing AIM. Please pray that those attending Bangor Worldwide will be inspired in their engagement with the Great Commission, and that Geoff will be a wise guide to those he speaks to who are exploring God’s call on their life.
AIM Europe
Recently there has been a lot of change in the Communications team. Lucy finished at the end of July, please pray for her as she studies to become a counsellor. Stephen Bazely has recently joined as our Senior Designer, as well as planning publications, Stephen will be involved in keeping our website up to date. Pray for him as he learns about AIM as well as his role.