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Connect April – June 2020

Following Christ is made up of challenges and tensions. A stark example in twenty first century Britain is the challenge posed by our post-Christian society when it says that each person has their own truth and we must never impose our beliefs on others. This leads onto: “Why do you still think it’s right to take your God-message to foreign peoples and places?” In AIM our answer is clear: we are completely persuaded that the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only answer, for the UK and for the whole world. Christ’s commission to take the good news to the world is still so real and so great that all nationalities must go – and that includes us in the UK. 

In this issue of Connect John Piper looks at a very important tension; between enabling the gospel to take up home in a culture (the indigenous principle) and the need to be holy and separate from the world (the pilgrim principle). We are very aware that as we ‘go into all the world’ we go as fallen, sinful and weak people. So how do we hold these tensions together? To equip people to manage this, AIM has been running a training programme called TIMO for 35 years. In this issue you can read how ordinary people have heard God’s call to go, have responded, and with fear and trepidation have sought to be obedient. Time and again, TIMO has been proven to be an incredible tool that God has used to help train people to take the gospel to those who have never heard it. It’s only as they live a life of obedience, service and love for the Master that they can hold all of those tensions together. 

Tim Heaton, Mission Advisor

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