The Rendille – Learning as I went
Steve Titterton tells us about Chulayo, a teenager zealous for Jesus, but who has never really been discipled. He was excited to read the Bible with Steve.
The Rendille live in the Kaisut Desert east of Lake Turkana, northern Kenya as semi-nomadic pastoralists. There are two distinctive groups: the northern Rendille, who herd camels, and the southern Rendille who herd cattle and are related to the Samburu with whom they intermarry. They live in ‘manyattas’ or homesteads of 70-100 houses, dress in bright colours and wear beads. The men undergo various rites of passage to bring them into adulthood; young girls are often spoken for at an early age and marry very young.
Steve Titterton tells us about Chulayo, a teenager zealous for Jesus, but who has never really been discipled. He was excited to read the Bible with Steve.
Watch this short film of Steve and his experience teaching in Korr, northeast Kenya among the Rendille people
Steve Titterton from Cornerstone Church, Nottingham is currently working among the Rendille people in Kenya. He introduces Naryo…