Reaching the unreached

Africa Inland Mission is passionate about going to those who have yet to hear about Jesus.

28% of Africa is still unreached with the gospel.

Of Africa’s people, 41% are Muslim.​

Africa will make up 54% of global population growth by 2050.​

What is a people group?

A significantly large grouping of individuals who perceive themselves to have an affinity based on a common linguistic, ethnic or geographic identity. We would also define this as the largest ethno-linguistic grouping in which the gospel could spread through ‘normal’ social networks. 

What is an unreached people group?

An identifiable people group in which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelise their people. Missiologists have determined this to be less than 2% of the total people group. However, there is a lot of debate around this term and the strict definitions given. 

What is AIM doing?

Our priority is to go to groups where people are living and dying without ever fully getting to hear about Jesus and what he has done for them. For ease of reference, we refer to these groups as unreached people groups and broadly use the definition given above. In Africa there remain just under 1000 groups without the gospel, amounting to around 380 million people. Many of these are adherents of other world religions, with the two largest groups located in Islamic North Africa.