The words of life

Could you join a group speaking the words of life in English to those who are desperate to hear?

There’s a massive desire to learn English among young people in many creative access nations. But although many of them have been learning English for years, their opportunities to speak the language are few and far between. English teaching is generally passive, and lessons are places to take in information, not places to practice what they’re learning.

…although many have been learning English for years, their opportunities to speak the language are few and far between.

When we felt called to move and share the gospel in a creative access location, we spent a lot of time thinking about what we could do. What would be a good way for us to legitimately live in a creative access country, and give us a way to build relationships and meet people from the local community? Our native English ability seemed to be a clear answer. Market research showed us that English classes would be welcomed and we proceeded on that basis.

Now we need more teachers. We need people to help engage with those who are curious. Those who are curious about English and all that British and American culture offers, but also those who are curious about the God we serve, and the reason for the hope we have. Could you come and help?

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There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.