Stories of Africa’s people

Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.

Meet the Ramangalahy family

Hervé is Malagasy and lived in Madagascar until he was 24, when he joined Nathalia, who is Swiss, in Geneva. They got married and have three children, Rija (11), Andry (9) and Mialy (5). They are just starting ministry in Nosy Be, an island off Madagascar. We asked them how God led them to the mission field.

Called to go, and stay

Janaine Basso, her husband Fernando and their two sons, Benicio (5) and Timóteo (2), live in Betroka, southern Madagascar, among the Bara people. Janaine explains how God called her. 

Get to know the Bara

Betroka is a small village in southern Madagascar, surrounded by beautiful mountains. This place has been the land and home of the Bara people for centuries.

What’s happening in Madagascar?

Rosina Ferdinand, AIM's Unit Leader for Madagascar, shares about what is happening in Madagascar as the country deals with the impact of Covid-19.

Looking up

In 1910, as the leading architects of Christian mission around the world crafted a global plan for world mission, they were informed that there was no hope for Africa. Confronted with the seemingly 'hopeless case', it seems that some of these leaders failed to ‘look up’...

Scattering seed

Miriam Pugh shares how their family and their team have seen God at work among the Alagwa.

God’s project of hope

The scars in the history and the lives of Rwandans cause many to ask, ‘where is God?’

To learn and grow together

Elizabeth Macaulay looks back on sharing life with Malagasy friends, students and missionary colleagues.

Learning to lead

When Bridget Howard was reading the Bible, she accompanied Moses in his journey through the wilderness as he executed his God-given task of leadership.

Guided by God

François and Florence Andriantsalama are Malagasy missionaries from the Vezo and Masikoro people groups.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.