Stories of Africa’s people
Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.
Lesotho Shepherds team update
Newly arrived and living on the Lesotho-South Africa border, the Williamson family have sent this up-date on the Shepherds TIMO Team…
Lights on a mountain
Hear from the team leaders going to the Ik, a small marginalised people group in Uganda.
From Sunday School to the Samburu
Carey Baptist Church, Reading is the sending church of F*, who has recently joined a TIMO team working amongst the unreached Samburu people. Co-pastor, David Magowan tells us of their journey alongside F*.
Discipleship and Church Leadership in Mozambique
Claire Weddell is based in Chimoio, working with local churches in discipleship and leadership development.
Missionaries to the Missionaries
Paul & Di Allcock from Above Bar Church are working in Mbarara, Uganda, providing pastoral care & support to the team there. They talk about their journey so far.
Meeting the Pugh Children
Kijabe Hospital
Kijabe Hospital has become strategic in reaching out to unreached people groups. Pete Halestrap, a doctor at AIM’s Kijabe Hospital explains how...
The unreached – bound to the past
The Sakalava and Antakarana people of Madagascar live in spiritual darkness. Bound to ancestor worship, their communities are controlled by taboos and traditional customs. Yet there is hope in the gospel.
How do you seek to reach the unreached Ik?
For over 30 years, TIMO has been a major factor in AIM’s strategy for reaching unreached people groups. But how does it work? One thing is clear; it takes time. So where do you start?
Explore Rift Valley Academy
Watch this film and explore AIM's boarding school in Kenya, Rift Valley Academy.