Stories of Africa’s people

Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.

Making progress among the Lesotho shepherds

Nineteen months in and our team look, speak, live and even sometimes think like the most ostracised and impoverished people in Lesotho - The Balisana (shepherds).

Short Term: Reaching the Karimojong

The Karimojong are a people who have been marginalised, waiting to hear of the hope we have, and of their true value in Christ.

Short Term: Following God’s path

Tanya* sold her house and packed up her UK life to spend a year in DR Congo, joining long term missionary Annemarie Boks in a town called Adi, 69 km away from the Ugandan border.

Mobilising churches in Mozambique

Claudia Middendorf works in Beira, central Mozambique. She shares about her passion for the local church and her desire to see the church responding to God’s call.

Building a future in a creative access nation

AIM is seeking to send a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team to study in a creative access nation. Why ‘studying’ and how will TIMO work in this location? The long term goal of this team is not just for its members to gain a Master’s in Business Administration, but to provide a way for them to build a future life and business for themselves there, enabling them to share the gospel as they become an integral part of the community.

Why is theological education still important?

Steve Lancaster works with the Africa Inland Church Tanzania as a Bible teacher at the Institute of Bible & Ministry in Morogoro, Tanzania. Here, he shares about the importance of theological education and his passion for sound teaching.

Dwelling Places – rehabilitating street children

Marsali Campbell serves at Dwelling Places, a Christian NGO in Uganda. Begun as a calling from God to Rita Nkemba in 1996, Dwelling Places seeks to love and rescue children from the streets, based on the ‘job description’ of Isaiah 58.

More surprising than penguins?

Around 300 million people living and dying without hearing of the salvation that Jesus offers. Maybe that’s more surprising than penguins in Africa?

Choosing what is better – women of the word!

Nancy Lambrechts helps teach and train the women at ‘Preach the Word’ in Kigali, Rwanda. She writes…

Why bother with Church Development?

The importance of church development and the role that the Institute of Bible and Ministry has to play in supporting the Tanzanian church to grow in knowledge and depth of insight.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.