Stories of Africa’s people
Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.
What is diaspora ministry?
We have only worked with refugees for a short time, so we don’t claim to be experts, but we have learned a few things along the way so far...
Befriending the community
"Our church has always sought to meet and reach out into the community, ever since it was founded in the early 1800s. We are not a comfy church. We're a small congregation, who are mission-minded, and everyone gets involved. Most of us are retired and we have seen a lot of changes in our local area over the years."

Adding value
Chris Power, from AIM’s Southern Region office, talks about the opportunities available for short term mission teams that consider how caring for the environment fits in with mission.

Carrots in the desert
Maureen Nyambura is about to join the LEAP team, a three month short term team for people interested in going into long term mission, to be trained and equipped in farming, disciple making, and being on a cross cultural team. She shares about her experience using Farming God’s Way.
Fertile soil
Andrew and Margaret work among the Islamic Nyamwezi people. They discuss how conservation agriculture has helped make inroads into the community.
Kingdom building
Gina Wintermantel and her husband Steve have been serving in South Sudan since 2018. Gina tells us about the work they are involved in.
From where will my help come?
Karis Koehn shares, “In our home culture, rain is often seen as something that dampens an otherwise happy event. We obviously weren’t farmers...
“There’s a cyclone coming!”
The radio announced, ‘There’s a cyclone coming! Get ready!’ But few people knew what that meant, or how to prepare…
Focus on: South Sudan
Andrea and Jordan Scotland, country leaders for South Sudan, give us an update.
Transformed lives
Thabiso Matsoso was part of the Growing Nations student programme from 2013-2014. He is now using Farming God’s Way as he serves in Mozambique.