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Stories of Africa’s people

Discover how God is working through the lives of ordinary people to extend his kingdom. Read stories from Africa's people and missionaries, sent from around the world, as they seek to share the good news with those who have yet to hear it.

Best. Job. Ever.

I love being a doctor, and using medicine to demonstrate the love and compassion of our Saviour, especially in places where he is not known.

Sharing Compassion

We asked one of our missionaries serving in healthcare in a creative access location to share about their experiences.

Learning to Serve

Becoming a Christian aged 21, Alexandra is excited to serve God using her profession. She works as a doctor in a hospital in Vevey, Switzerland, and is considering further mission work in the future.

When suffering sends you home…

God had different plans, bigger dreams, and he walked me along a path that involved trauma, loss and ill health requiring treatment and surgery in the UK.

For the Lost

Eddie Andersen, based in Dukana, northern Kenya, tells us how he became a missionary. "My heart has always been for Africa, for the lost, for the unreached, for those that nobody else cares about. I grew up in Kenya with missionary parents, working with the Samburu..."

What about the gospel and culture?

Culture matters. It shapes our identity, our society, what we value, what we fear. We can’t detach ourselves from culture, God created us to create culture. One of the biggest challenges for a believer in any culture is how to deal with areas of that culture that stand in tension with the Bible.

Bringing light to Kondoa

AIM is starting a new team in Kondoa beginning in July 2020, partnering with the Africa Inland Church Tanzania. Led by Jared and Megan Hood, AIM missionaries from the US, the team will focus on lifestyle and proclamation evangelism and discipleship.

How does the gospel reach hearts?

Amos is serving short term in Dukana, Kenya, a Gabbra town 20km from Ethiopia. He teaches Christian Religious Education in the school, and helps long term missionary Eddie Andersen with various projects.

What does daily life look like for the Ik?

An Ik legend tells how God created the herder, letting cattle down from heaven by a rope and giving the cattle, together with spears, to one group of people. To the other group (the Ik) he gave only the digging stick with the order never to kill. They are very proud of their culture but what does daily life look like for them?

Reaching the Ik

Although there have been four churches planted in the Timu Forest, Uganda, there are few true believers. Many gospel sharing missions into the Ik territory have occurred, but hardly any discipleship has been implemented to develop new converts into mature believers.

There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.