Short Term: Mechanics in Kenya

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Josh Garnham from Northern Ireland is 21 and in his third year of studying for a Mechanical Engineering degree. For his year in industry (sometimes called a placement year) Josh decided to serve in Africa. Before he left he shared more about where he is serving and his hopes for this experience.

African Life

Africa, as many of you know, is an incredible place full of incredible people. My previous experience of Africa came when I was part of my church’s (Newtownbreda Baptist) team serving in Uganda in the summer of 2016. Although this time was spent in Uganda, it gave me a real flavour of what life in Africa might be like.

“Now, I have the privilege of spending the next six months working alongside a missionary family from the United States.”

Now, I have the privilege of spending the next six months working alongside a missionary family from the United States. I will be serving in a small town called Kalacha in the north of Kenya, beside the Chalbi desert. The people of Kalacha are mainly nomads, camel farmers who travel. The description I’ve heard reminds me of the Midianite merchants who took Joseph to Egypt. Although the region is mainly used by nomads there is a town where people have settled and have begun living their lives there permanently.

My work out there will be mainly practical, working trying to fix cars and supporting the missionaries by carrying out general maintenance work. I also hope to get involved with the local church, and in particular I’d like to get involved with any youth programmes. However, I realise that my ideas of what I’d like to do might change drastically once I’m on the field.

Christmas in a different culture

As I write this, I’m looking forward to spending Christmas and New Year in Kalacha, an experience I am looking forward to, although my family feel the opposite. It will be strange getting up on December 25th to potentially 40°c temperatures. Coming from Northern Ireland, rain is something I have become accustomed to, the lack of which – I can’t believe I’m about to say this – but I am going to miss.

I am really excited about this adventure in this new culture experiencing all it has to offer. Please pray for me!

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