Scattering seed

Miriam Pugh shares how their family and their team have seen God at work among the Alagwa.

The way God grows his kingdom, Jesus says, is like a man scattering seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.  This perfectly describes the way God has graciously worked with our team for the last nine and a half years. We have scattered seed; a whole lot of seed! The seed is full of life and goodness. By resting or striving we can’t make those seeds grow – we don’t even understand the deep mystery of how that growth happens.

God has always faithfully loved the Alagwa and in these years, we have the privilege of seeing that love and grace working in our communities. As God shines his light into the lives of his lost image bearers, he reveals the pain and the brokenness and slowly brings healing.   

We have seen seeds grow in these years. Villages who had none of God’s Word in their mother tongue now have some stories from the Bible, Genesis to Revelation, to show them who God is and his big story of love for them. They have the gospel of Luke as well now and we are working with them on the beginning of John. Many listen avidly on their phones or players whilst herding, whilst sitting round in the evening with their families, whilst hanging out with their friends. We have seen some follow Jesus. And among these new believers, some are discovering God’s heart for the lost and praying. They are sharing the good news with their family and friends. We have seen groups and individuals come regularly to study God’s Word together. We have seen people released and healed from demonic oppression and sickness. Others are brought by those who have experienced this healing so they too may be healed. We have seen a church planted and grow. Two faithful Alagwa believers who were already standing for Jesus are growing in their faith and part of the church leadership team.   

You don’t often see a seed growing – sometimes it takes a long time for a seed to even germinate, let alone start to show on top of the soil. Sometimes it seems that there is no growth at all. But we know that night and day, whether we sleep or go out to work, God is building his kingdom here.

Picture of Owen & Miriam Pugh

Owen & Miriam Pugh

The Pughs work in a team among the Alagwa using Bible stories in the mother tongue, for evangelism and discipleship.

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