How to reach the men?

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Martin & Joy Koch have returned to Lchakwai to continue the ministry started by the TIMO team.

We were warmly welcomed back to Lchakwai when we returned from home assignment in February 2017. Towards the end of our TIMO team we received a number of ‘Treasures’, solar powered MP3 players with Bible stories and Christian songs in Samburu. Some also have the gospel of Matthew and other New Testament books on them. The demand for these is high, not just among the women but among the men as well. We have distributed a few more Treasures, but please pray we will be able to get more and that God’s Word will speak to many hearts through them.

Samburu women

Ng’oto Makanyit and Ng’oto Kalei form the backbone of the church in Lchakwai. Ng’oto Makanyit attended an Anglican church near Maralal as a girl where she came to trust in Jesus. She and her family lived in Maralal for a time and the whole family went to church there. Now, in Lchakwai where traditions are strong, her husband will not attend church.

It seems unacceptable for men to go to church here, and it might mean losing the respect of other men. Ng’oto Makanyit has two co-wives and lives in a large compound with the wives of her husband’s brothers. One of her sons, Lotodoka, had been reading the gospel of Matthew with F* during the time the team was here. She has twin sons who are about two years old. Pray that her trust in Jesus will remain strong and that her husband may come to know Jesus for himself.

The number of women attending our Sunday services has increased. Pray that the songs, Scripture reading, and Martin’s teaching will be understood and that many will follow Christ. Recently a few women who are already following Christ began meeting weekly to praise God, learn more from the Word, and pray for one another. Pray that they will grow in their understanding of God’s great love and share this with their co-wives and their children. Pray that their husbands will also become interested in hearing more about Christ.

How to reach the men?

The men and the moran (warriors) are quite resistant to the idea of coming to church. It is not cultural for men to participate with women and children, but I think there is also a belief that they do not need church. Pray that we will find ways to reach out to them with the gospel. Our home has become a meeting place for men, where they enjoy talking with one another whilst enjoying a cup of chai (tea). Sometimes they are willing to listen to Bible stories in Samburu. They appreciate Martin’s help in cutting their old knives to a new form. They will come to buy mobile phone credit, to do money transactions over their phones (Mpesa) or maybe just for chai. Pray that through these interactions they may see Christ in us and want to know him.

Seeing the need for a saviour

Our vision for this term is to see a Christ-centred, self-reliant, reproducing church here in Lchakwai by the end of 2019. At the moment, only women and children are attending the Sunday morning service. Before our vision becomes a reality, we need Samburu men who will humble themselves, see their need for a Saviour and commit to following Christ. Please pray with us for five Samburu men to make a commitment to follow Christ by the end of 2017.

Picture of Martin & Joy Koch

Martin & Joy Koch

Martin and Joy are working in Lchakwai, Kenya, seeking to reach the Samburu with the gospel and disciple believers.

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