TIMO (pronounced ‘team-o’) is Training In Ministry Outreach. It is a two year programme that trains new cross-cultural workers from around the world to do ministry in Africa. Joining TIMO, you’ll be part of a team of cross-cultural workers which has an experienced couple serving as team leaders. With a common goal of sharing Christ, you’ll live together as learners among an unreached people group. As a team member you’ll learn how to learn a language, then put into practice what you learned. You’ll discover methods of outreach—creative ways to reach out Christ’s love in word and deed. Every day you’ll put into practice what you learn—theory will be fleshed out as you live and interact with your host people group. Oh! Did we mention homework? Yes, TIMO has required reading and there will be papers to write. All of this is an integral part of building a solid foundation for a lifetime of ministry.

Celebrating 125 years of AIM
There are still almost 1,000 African unreached people groups, mostly in the Sahel, north and west Africa. May Jesus find us faithful, even for the next 125 years. Or until he returns.