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Connect September – December 2022

David is from sub-Saharan Africa and is serving as a missionary in North Africa.

“When I came to Jesus, knowing him was one of the greatest things I had found. My passion was to share this with others. I looked for places in my home country with few churches, but then I learned of places with no churches and no one to share the gospel. So, I decided to go to such places to tell people about Jesus’ love for them.”

Where David serves is tough. Many people are interested in knowing about Jesus, but the cost of turning from Islam is high.

Ministry is often slow and difficult. But David is perserving and seeing fruit thanks to God’s guidance and the gifts and prayers of AIM supporters like you.

Your gifts and prayers enable our mission workers to build effective partnerships with local churches and missionaries like David, envisioning and mobilising them to go to those waiting to hear the gospel.

Local mission workers like David gave Myriam a Bible. And, when she began to read it, she couldn’t put it down. She started weighing the Bible against the Qur’an. The more she studied the Qur’an, the more she discovered things that she didn’t like, things that didn’t feel right. But she also didn’t want the Bible to be true.

Myriam had so many questions. And every time she met our workers and local partners like David they directed her to the Bible where she found the answers she was looking for.

She spent two years wrestling with the truth, attending Bible studies, and having discussions with missionaries like David.

Finally, she was ready to let go of the ties that bound her and to live for Jesus.

“God has put it on my heart to be a light in my community,” she said. “I want to be able to tell others about Jesus, to give an answer to them for the hope that I have.”

This is just one example of the huge impact you and our workers are making in the lives of those who hear the gospel for the first time, and who need encouragement and support to walk with Jesus.

Thank you for all you have done by giving and praying for AIM workers and local partners in the past. If as you read this magazine you feel God that calling you to play your part in reaching the unreached with the gospel, please click here.

Together we can enable more Africans like Myriam to find a new life in Christ,


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