Reaching out

In July 2019, Luke and Jenny Herrin were part of a summer team in Malta.

Walking along the seafront, we saw a young African man sitting on a bench. We greeted him, and he asked us to sit down (always a good sign). He told us he was named “Jimmy,” that he was from The Gambia, that he had residency papers and a job, and that he was a Muslim. He also told us that he believed in and loved Jesus, but not in the same way that Christians did. We could see that Jimmy was very interested in the gospel.We talked with him for a long time, shared Scripture with him, gave him some Christian literature, and downloaded the Jesus film onto his phone. We exchanged details, prayed with him, and moved on.

A few days later, Jimmy sent this message to me: “Thank you, the movie is much more educational than I expected, I am watching it again and again! It will be my pleasure to meet someone who can explain more details to me.” We exchanged more messages, and passed his details on to a local missionary.

In Acts 18:10, the Lord told Paul that he should keep speaking clearly because he had many people in Corinth. The Lord has many people in Malta too. And in your city. We just need to find them. And the best way to do that is just to talk to them. We found Jimmy on a seafront bench. Where is your Jimmy?

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