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Zillah Whitehouse

Sent from Above Bar Church, Southampton

Zillah serves as a Physiotherapist at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology, working alongside national colleagues in treatment, training and discipleship.

In 2009 Zillah moved to Mbarara, Uganda to work as a physiotherapist with the local AIM team based there. The team has a vision of participating with the local church in discipleship, particularly through the fields of education, healthcare and community development. As such, Zillah’s work has been divided between the local government hospital and university. The hospital had an already active Physiotherapy department which had been developing a vision to start the first physiotherapy degree programme in Uganda at Mbarara University of Science and Technology. Zillah helped them in this endeavour and participated in the excitement of the course starting, with its first intake of students in August 2012. Now, her role is a mix of teaching and caring. She assists with the administration of the Physiotherapy course at the university and delivers lectures to physiotherapy, medical and nursing students. Her physio work has continued too, as she treats patients in the hospital.

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Latest Prayer News

Zillah Whitehouse serves as a Physiotherapist at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology, working alongside national colleagues in treatment, training and discipleship. Praise God for the opportunity to teach a course on worldviews and ethics to the physiotherapy students as part of their curriculum and be able to have deep conversations on the concepts of truth and belief.  Pray for the finalist students at the university who are attending a training course to help them study the Bible and think about ways in which their faith will impact their life after campus. Ask that they will be prepared to stand firm in the challenges ahead and consider where God may want them to work as a witness for him.

Zillah serves as a Physiotherapist at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology, working alongside national colleagues in treatment, training and discipleship. Pray that God will continue to give Zillah boldness to turn conversations with her colleagues and patients to things of faith. Pray that the Holy Spirit will soften the hearts of those she interacts with so that they will want to know more about Zillah’s faith and will seek to know more of Jesus themselves.

Zillah serves as a Physiotherapist at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda, working alongside national colleagues in treatment, training, and discipleship. Pray that God would continue to give her the stamina to serve well in her work and give her a renewed hunger to grow in her relationship with Jesus, as she shares the good news with those around her. 

The big news is the completion of our first group of physiotherapy students! …In May the five pioneer students completed their course, they all passed and we are now looking forward to their graduation in January. It’s been great to see them get settled into work with most of them having more than one job offer. I spoke to some of them this weekend. One had just had the opportunity to ride in a helicopter, one was learning to ballroom dance & the other was hiding in her house due to shooting going on outside!! It is good to stay in contact and support them as they start their working lives… Praise God for our pioneer students completing their courses and finding jobs. Please pray for the area of Kasese where trouble has flared and for Gloria our pioneer who is working at Kagando Hospital in the midst of it.”

“Last semester our pioneer students started their clinical placements on the ward and did amazingly! It was wonderful to know that more patients were being treated and at the end it was obvious that the students were more focussed on their personal interaction with the patients than just the physical treatment, which is what we hoped to see… My new lectures for this semester have been a 42-hour module on “Ethics and Worldviews”. Some of the lecture planning has really stretched me and made me think. We have explored African and other worldviews and also different beliefs in God/no God/other spiritualities and visited a church, mosque and temple. We also talked about a variety of ethical issues, including some specifically African. The students are now very willing to challenge my thinking on topics, and especially my western mindset. It has been very good for me and I continue to learn on a daily basis. Praise God for our pioneer students and their desire to make a difference to patients. Please pray for them as they are on their placements at other hospitals. Also pray for our good building of relationships with all the other students. Please pray for me as I process some of the new lessons I have learnt in the last few months particularly through the Ethics and Worldviews course.”


80% of Uganda is engaged in agriculture. The healthy economy of the 1960s was crippled in 1972 by the expulsion of the Asian business community, and then virtually destroyed by tyranny and wars. It has steadily improved since 1992. Under previous government regimes there were restrictions on persecuted Christians, but there is now freedom of religion. LEARN MORE


We long to see Health Professionals practising, modelling and mentoring competent, compassionate medicine, but doing so in places where they will influence unreached people groups for Christ. LEARN MORE
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Zillah Whitehouse has lived in Mbarara, Uganda since 2009, working in the Physiotherapy Department at the local hospital and university. Here she talks about some of the positive changes that have happened to her since coming to live in Uganda.