Timo and Laura

Having previously worked for Mission Aviation Fellowship in Bunia and Nyankunde, DR Congo, Timo (from Finland) and Laura (from the USA) are now serving in Finland among the Congolese refugee population, sharing Jesus with them, and equipping Christian refugees to reach out to the Finns they live among.

In DR Congo God showed Timo the enormous need for solid, thorough, biblical teaching. Timo enjoyed teaching in a rural Bible school, and by the time God moved Timo and Laura out from northeastern DR Congo, a learning centre was being constructed where pastors could be given additional training.

As often with God’s timing, it was a surprise when God brought them back to the USA to work at MAF headquarters. Then, when Laura left full time ministry to raise their family, a switch to AIM whose ministry in DR Congo matched Timo’s interests was natural.

Planning to return to Africa, it was yet another surprise when in 2020 God suddenly routed them back to Timo’s home country, Finland. Thinking it would be temporary, Timo and Laura were again surprised when God showed an enormous need in Finland, for which they were uniquely suited.

One of the main refugee populations in Finland is Congolese, and they were desperately in need of help in many ways. Because of their time in Congo, and Timo being Finnish, they can come alongside the Congolese and bridge the two cultures. Finland is only about 2% Christian. The other refugees are largely of Muslim background.  This makes the Congolese one of the main Christian people groups in Finland. However, they bring with them many of the same needs there are in Congo – for discipleship and solid Bible training. 

With this in mind, Timo and Laura are seeking to equip the Congolese (and others) to reach Finns and Muslims with the gospels. The language and cultural barriers are immense. The Congolese and Finns couldn’t be more different! Timo can help the two groups start to work together. When serving in DR Congo, Timo loved to come alongside the Congolese pastors, seeing where they felt their needs were, offering them a listening ear and support, and teaching. In Finland, Timo plans to teach, encourage, and equip future pastors, missionaries, and church leaders primarily among African people. Timo desires to equip, encourage and disciple African Christian churches and groups to reach out to their unreached diaspora neighbours. 

Laura is able to connect with the Congolese and other diaspora as she too is a foreigner, seeking to learn Finnish. As well as focussing on their family, Laura plans to focus on relationship building with African women and other women’s groups.

Could you partner with them in this work? 

Latest Prayer News

In partnership with the local church, Sandrine shares the love of Jesus with North African immigrants in Montréal, Canada. Praise the Lord for the 80 people they welcomed to the Children’s Club family Christmas Party. All clearly heard the gospel and more than half were of Muslim origin. Three families came to the Christmas party and meal organized by the church. Pray the Lord will draw these dear ones to himself in the coming year.

Give thanks with one of AIM Europe’s Borderless workers for a small church group who go door to door in a multi-cultural area in London, offering prayer and sharing the gospel. Ask God to continue giving them boldness though the Holy SpirIt and that those opening their doors would be touched by the love of Christ shown to them, would receive prayer and be happy to hear more about the gospel. Pray for protection over this group and that God will sow seeds in many hearts through this ministry. 

Give thanks for the activities, interactions and gospel conversations which have taken place at the AIM Borderless’ Community Outreach Week that concludes today. AIM workers and volunteers have been supporting a Midlands city centre church to reach out to the diverse community on their doorstep, including many people from a North African background. Pray for a good ending to the week for everyone involved. Pray that each person who attended the activities and classes hosted over the past week will continue to be moved by the love shown to them by Christians and that this will soften their hearts to consider exploring more about Jesus. Pray that God will bless each friendship made and that the team will be given the capacity and opportunity to follow up on conversations and interactions, long after this week concludes. 

Pray for God to provide more volunteers to join AIM Borderless’ Community Outreach Week team from 3rd – 11th August 2024. A Midlands city centre church is seeking to reach out to the diverse community on their doorstep. The church hopes to reach their local community from a North African background, and they have asked Borderless to provide a team to help them run a special events week. Pray that God will bless the practical planning of this week and that the team will have enough volunteers to run the week and share the gospel with African people in the UK. Could you join the team? Find out more here

Pray for our Borderless workers, working among African diaspora communities across the UK. Pray for the women’s literacy and sewing classes occurring in a UK city in the weeks leading up to Easter. Pray for the teachers and students as they explore the reason for Easter. Pray that these students will continue to attend these classes and find fellowship and gospel discussion, despite Ramadan being a time when attendance tends to decline. 

United Kingdom & Europe

Ministry in the United Kingdom & Europe ranges from being a part of mobilising offices, to teaching in Bible colleges to being involved in work among the African Diaspora across the continent. LEARN MORE


Taking the good news of Jesus to Africa’s hardest to reach people does not always mean a move to Africa. Today, millions of Africans live outside of Africa: in North America, Europe, and around the globe – the African diaspora. LEARN MORE
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