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Tim and Heather

Sent from Christ Church Liverpool

Tim is serving as Director for the AIM Asia Pacific Mobilising Region leading a small team in Australia and coordinating teams in Hong Kong and New Zealand.

Alongside supporting the 35 or so long-term missionaries sent from the region, there is an increasing vision to engage more widely and deeply with churches across the Asia Pacific area to enable them to play a fuller part in reaching the unreached peoples of Africa and to send more gospel workers to the African harvest fields.  This has been the focus of Tim’s work over the last few years, and his passion to see churches more effectively involved in taking the gospel to unreached people groups.

Heather, who is a nurse, will be looking for work in the Gosford area. Although she is an Australian her family will still be a 3.5-hour flight away, so she’ll not be ‘going home’.  It does mean that Tim has a route to obtain a visa, application process permitting!

Tim and Heather are currently raising support and are looking for people who would like to partner with them in their ministry through both prayer and financial giving. 

Could you support Tim and Heather in this work?

Latest Prayer News

Ruth Mahood serves as a counsellor with AIMCare at Tumaini Counselling Centre in Nairobi. Pray for her as she leads the team in a formal review process and as they develop and define together a new role of AIM Care Manager, replacing the Clinical Team Leader position. The purpose of this change is to allow AIM Care to better align its leadership structure with current needs and adapt to the changes and new initiatives within AIM. The team are honoured to continue providing mental health services to those in need and are excited to see how this openness to change might glorify God and benefit his people.

Zillah Whitehouse serves as a Physiotherapist at the Mbarara University of Science and Technology, working alongside national colleagues in treatment, training and discipleship. Praise God for the opportunity to teach a course on worldviews and ethics to the physiotherapy students as part of their curriculum and be able to have deep conversations on the concepts of truth and belief.  Pray for the finalist students at the university who are attending a training course to help them study the Bible and think about ways in which their faith will impact their life after campus. Ask that they will be prepared to stand firm in the challenges ahead and consider where God may want them to work as a witness for him.

Mix and Katie Miner serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). Katie is making sure that students who need help in different areas, like feeling lonely or having troubles with their peers, are cared for. It is a challenging, but vital role. She visited an orphanage called Valley Light, where her sister-in-law works. It is located near a major truck stop on the road to Uganda. Truck stops mean a lot of drugs, alcohol, and prostitution. This leads to babies being discarded in the ditch by the road. It is heartbreakingly dark, but the orphanage lives up to its name: bringing light to the valley.

Safina Street Network is an outreach working with vulnerable children and young people in Tanzania. Praise the Lord for their new Director of Ministry, Nicholaus Duma, who with the help of Safina, was able to leave living on the streets, complete his school education, and obtain a bachelor’s degree in social work. He has been working for Safina since 2013. His vision and prayer is to support staff so they can give children and young people the best possible care, spiritually, psychologically, educationally, and physically, all with a godly upbringing. He hopes that they will become responsible and independent young people with a bright future. Just as the Lord has done in his life.

Pray that we at AIM would indeed be serving and equipping the church of Jesus Christ to make disciples of the peoples of Africa: partnering with churches, reaching Africa’s unreached.

Rest of the World

AIM's ministry extends across the world as missionaires from the UK and Europe serve in mobilising offices and are involved in work among the African Diaspora in Canada, the US and in other places around the world.


Support, Logistics & Pastoral Care

Seeing unreached people reached is fruit of the body of Christ in action. That can mean pilots, qualified counsellors, administrators, photographers all helping and supporting the task of making Jesus known. LEARN MORE
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