Tim & Beth Wood

Jonathan and Sarah

Sent from Wolseley Road Gospel Hall, Plymouth

Tim & Beth served in a church called Vision in the Word of God, focusing on discipleship and teaching. Tim also taught at Sofala Bible Institute on the BA degree programme. Beth worked on translation projects in the Cindau language, producing Bible study material and children’s Sunday school lessons. Their passion is to encourage healthy churches and strong families.

Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

TIm & Beth have recently visited Mozambique to finish their time serving with AIM. “Our time in Mozambique was a mixture of joy and grief: joy in seeing so many dear friends and grief in saying farewell. Special times blessed us as many shared how much we meant to them… We left Mozambique with the hope of returning. When is in the will of the Lord…. Please pray for us as we look for employment in Rome [USA]. Meanwhile, Tim hopes to start substitute teaching in local schools.”

The Woods are currently in the USA on Home Assignment, and share some news of Mozambique: “The Red Cross is estimating that 90% percent of Beira has been destroyed after being hit by Cyclone Idai on March 14. Rain continues to fall and a further 40 inches are predicted for this week. All rivers are in flood and will flood more… It is hard to comprehend how massive the need is. A Mozambican friend, currently living in South Africa, told us to place this catastrophe in the hands of God. Right now, pray that the floods would not be even more catastrophic. Pray that cholera will not break out. Pray for drinkable water and emergency food rations. Pray for freedom from riots and looting. Pray for the safety of those involved in rescue missions. Pray for Christians to shine like stars in this chaos. Pray for churches to reach out to their communities. Pray for the emotional wellbeing of all caught up in this trauma. Mozambicans are resilient and resourceful. They will need these traits in abundance for years to come.” If you would like to find out more ways to pray or donate funds to help, please visit eu.aimint.org/pray/mozambique/

Tim & Beth are currently in the USA on extended Home Assignment. “On the outskirts of Beira, new neighbourhoods are springing up. Pinto and Isabel purchased a plot in one such area and built their first home. This October they were asked to start a preaching point in their yard. The growth has been amazing. In a recent service there were 33 adults and 19 youth, and two came to Christ. One Saturday, a group of 32 went visiting house to house. Twenty-six houses were reached and three more people came to Christ. Lord willing, 26 will be baptized this month. 12 new members are saving up to buy their first Bible. Two women will be doing a Child Evangelism Fellowship course to help them know how to teach Sunday school. Two youth plan to take the year-long discipleship course at Sofala Bible Institute. Another hopes to do the two-year course, and Pinto plans on doing the four-year BA in Biblical Studies… Praise the Lord for this explosive growth! Pray for love, unity, and maturity. Pray for Pinto and Isabel and for more ministry leaders.”

Tim & Beth are currently in the USA on extended Home Assignment. “Back in 2015, Tim put together funding and a plan to sponsor five students through a Master’s program so that they could return to teach at the school. Carvalho along with David are the first of these students to return to teach. It was a pleasure to send him class handouts and encourage him along the way. Please pray for them as they step into class this month.”


Since independence from Portugal in 1975 Mozambique was battered by civil war, economic woes and famine. Since peace in 1992 though, the country has developed one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Many are still unreached with the gospel and 17% of the country practice Islam. LEARN MORE

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Theological & biblical training exists to serve the church to participate in God’s mission in this world — it is about following Jesus, learning from him and growing to be like him. LEARN MORE
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