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Dave and Cristyn Wakefield

Stevie, Josiah, Caleb

Sent from Christ Church Mayfair

Dave and Cristyn are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Dave will be taking up the role of Vice Principal of Administration alongside some teaching responsibility while Cristyn will also be involved in the operational running of the college. They will both be responsible for discipling and mentoring students.

Moffat Bible College has been a part of AIM’s strategy for almost 100 years and currently has students from many different people groups and nations from East Africa, as well as some students from further afield such as India! As the church in Africa continues to grow, their vision is to help to train a new generation of gospel workers to reach unreached people groups, first throughout sub-Saharan Africa and then further afield.

Dave and Cristyn are recent graduates of All Nations Christian College, where they trained in Theology and Cross-Cultural Mission. Dave has completed further study with an MA in Systematic Theology and is currently studying for a certificate in Counselling. Cristyn has over a decade of experience running large-scale projects for a technology consultancy.

Dave and Cristyn married in 2014 and are parents to Stevie, Josiah and Caleb. Stevie is three years old and Josiah went to be with the Lord when he was two days old in February 2022. Caleb joined the family in April 2023.  As a family, they enjoy being outside in the garden and allotment, cooking, reading and watching live sports.

They are passionate about equipping a new generation of Christian leaders and evangelists through the study of God’s word, theological education, discipleship and hospitality.

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Latest Prayer News

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Give thanks that they have now moved into their new house in Kijabe and have enjoyed making it a home. Pray for them as they prepare to begin their roles at the College in January. Ask the Lord to give wisdom to Dave as he writes material for the New Testament courses he will teach and pray for God to guide Cristyn as she is involved in the operational running of the college. 

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Give thanks they had a good time at AIM’s Africa Based Orientation and are now at language school, learning Swahili for twelve weeks before starting their time at the College. Ask God to bless their language acquisition so they can communicate well with their neighbours. Give thanks for Monica, their nanny, who takes care of their children, Stevie and Caleb while they are at language class, and the fun times the children have had with her, cooking and exploring. Pray for them as a family as they continue to learn Kenyan culture

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Today is their commissioning service with their sending church. Please pray for Dave and Cristyn and their children Stevie and Caleb as they say goodbye to friends and family and begin transitioning into life in Kenya. Pray that today will be an encouraging time with their church family and will increase their joy in what the Lord is calling them to do in Kenya. 

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Give thanks that their youngest son, Caleb who had surgery for a cleft palate in February 2024, has been cleared by the surgeons to travel. Give thanks Dave and Cristyn have identified tenants to rent their house while they’re away, which is a huge weight off their minds. Continue to pray for them as they prepare to travel to Kenya in July 2024. Pray for God’s protection over their travel and that they will have blessed goodbyes with those in the UK

Dave and Cristyn Wakefield are preparing to serve at Moffat Bible College in Kijabe, Kenya. Give thanks they have now booked their flights! Praise God for how He has brought them to this point in their journey towards landing in Kenya to obey their calling to serve Him there. Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill them with trust in Him and peace in their hearts as they prepare mentally, emotionally and practically, to leave familiar people, places and routines and embrace this huge life change. Pray that the Lord will be close to their children, Stevie and Caleb, as they follow their parents and adapt to change also.


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

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Theological & biblical training exists to serve the church to participate in God’s mission in this world — it is about following Jesus, learning from him and growing to be like him. LEARN MORE
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