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Benjamin and Christelle Simonin

Sent from Action Biblique de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Benjamin and Christelle have completed a first placement in Mayotte for six months and have now returned for the long term, where they are supporting the AIM team in their efforts to make disciples among the unreached of Mayotte.

Benjamin is a teacher by profession and Christelle is a nurse. They studied at the Geneva Bible Institute and their service in Mayotte formed part of their studies. 

There are very few Christians in Mayotte. It is estimated that less than 2% of the population is Christian. AIM has been sending workers to Mayotte since the 1970s and has witnessed the changes on the island throughout its recent history. In 1976 the people of Mayotte voted to remain under French sovereignty and in 2011 the island became a Department of France. Since then there has been an increasing influx of immigrants to the island because of free healthcare, schooling, employment opportunities, and as an access point to Europe. The local people are known as the Maoré and are proud of their French nationality and African cultural and religious roots.

The AIM team seek to share Jesus through building relationships with local people and seeking opportunities to tell them the gospel. Benjamin and Christelle will continue to support them in their current ministries while learning about the local language and culture and building relationships themselves. Benjamin is reaching out to youth through teaching and sports ministry, and Christelle is using her profession as a nurse to build relationships.

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Latest Prayer News

Ben and Christelle Simonin serve in Mayotte, making disciples among the unreached people living there. Soon they will be spending three weeks in Kenya attending AIM’s Africa Based Orientation (ABO). ABO is an intensive orientation for all new and returning missionaries, designed to prepare and equip missionaries ahead of beginning their ministry in their various locations. Pray for safe travels and for a blessed and encouraging time with other AIM workers.  

Ben and Christelle Simonin serve by working to make disciples among the unreached of Mayotte. Pray that the political situation in Mayotte will settle and roadblocks will be removed so that Ben and Christelle can get to their workplaces and that peaceful freedom of movement can be given to Mayotte’s people again. Pray that God will be with Ben and Christelle and the team as they plan the upcoming gospel youth camp, focusing on the theme of ‘making the right choice.’ Pray that planning and running the camp will be smooth and pray God will open the hearts and minds of the young people to receive Jesus as their saviour. 

Ben and Christelle Simonin serve by working to make disciples among the unreached of Mayotte. Give thanks for their safe return to Mayotte after completing their short-term assignment and concluding language study in France. Pray for them as they settle into Mayotte, this time for the long term. Pray that they will be able to continue building on the gospel opportunities the Lord opened for them on their last placement and that God will soften the hearts of those around them to accept Jesus as their saviour.

Benjamin and Christelle completed their first placement in Mayotte after six months, where they were supporting the AIM team in their efforts to make disciples among the unreached of Mayotte. Give thanks for their Short-Term service. Pray for their adaption as they have returned to France where they will finish their classes at the Geneva Bible Institute. Pray that God would bless their studies and prepare their hearts to return to Mayotte Long Term in the future.  

Pray for Benjamin and Christelle, for the help of the Spirit, to trust God as they raise support. Pray for wisdom to see what God is doing in Mayotte, to go where He is acting, and work with Him in what He is doing.  Pray for Christelle as she works as a nurse part-time and organises clubs for children in the slums. 

Indian Ocean Islands

These beautiful tropical islands are 99.9% Muslim and for security reasons we refer to this area as the ‘Indian Ocean Islands’ rather than naming individual islands. Islam is deeply rooted on these islands and to be an islander is to be a Muslim. There are a small number of believers on each island but many follow Jesus secretly for fear of rejection and persecution.


Outreach & Evangelism

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