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John and Zoe Putman

Sadie, Amber

Sent from Christ Church Barnston with St Michael’s Pensby

John and Zoe Putman serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA);  AIM’s boarding school which educates and disciples students from missionary families across Africa, in Kijabe, Kenya. John teaches while Zoe provides academic support for the younger students in the Primary School, Titchie Swot.

After meeting each other on mission with British Youth for Christ, John and Zoe married and moved to the northwest of England to be missionaries to the Wirral. Over the past 20 years, the Putmans have embedded themselves in northern culture, learned the local dialect and worked alongside local young people, families and neighbours to share God’s love and the message of Jesus.

In early life John lived in Tanzania where his parents were missionaries for seven years, moving back to England for his secondary schooling. More recently God has brought Africa flowing back into his heart and mind, making him homesick for his childhood continent. Following this, he and Zoe separately received the same invitation to join an online event “Teaching in Mission” with AIM. Since that online ‘Zoom’ event, God has really opened up the road to RVA.

Zoe grew up in multicultural Bedford and enjoyed having friends from around the world. As a child, Zoe listened to ‘Psalty the Singing Songbook’ tapes which told of the love of God for the whole world and introduced her to the heart of mission. God sowed a seed of willingness in her heart to ‘go’ from a very young age which has now come to fruition.

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Latest Prayer News

John and Zoe Putman serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA); AIM’s boarding school which educates and disciples the children of missionaries, in Kijabe, Kenya. RVA plays a crucial role in AIM’s vision to see Christ-centred Churches amongst all African Peoples. The families whose children board or live there are involved in mission with some of the hardest to reach people groups in Africa. Many work in the north in conditions very inhospitable to Christians, or in unofficial war zones, or drought and famine-ridden areas, but they’re all working towards calling people home to Jesus forever. Pray for some new students arriving who have been evacuated from Eastern DR Congo. Pray for a good transition for them and for the peace that passes understanding to be a real and constant presence.

John and Zoe Putman serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA); AIM’s boarding school which educates and disciples the children of missionaries, in Kijabe, Kenya. Give thanks that God has sustained them in all the responsibilities involved with being Dorm Parents for the 7th grade girl’s dorm, teaching their classes and maintaining family life. Today they travel back to the UK for Home Assignment. Pray for safe travel and for God to give them wisdom in planning to rest well in addition to visiting their supporters and church partners. Ask God to give them peace as they spend Christmas in the UK and that they will be refreshed with family and friends. 

John and Zoe Putman serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA); AIM’s boarding school which educates and disciples the children of missionaries, in Kijabe, Kenya. Pray for them as they have begun their roles as Dorm Parents for seven, seventh-grade girls and are building rapport with each of them, supporting them with homework and Dorm Bible devotions each night, as well as teaching during the day. Give thanks that the girls are settling in well and pray for energy and wisdom for John and Zoe as they seek God in their interactions with these teenagers, while also supporting their daughters Sadie and Amber as they study and prepare for exams in October. 

John and Zoe Putman serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA); AIM’s boarding school which educates and disciples the children of missionaries, in Kijabe, Kenya. Give thanks for a good end to the school term and pray for them as they come towards the end of their time at Africa Based Orientation in Kenya. Pray that for them and their daughters Amber and Sadie as they return to RVA to prepare for the new term. Pray for Amber and Sadie as they move into a new Dorm this coming term. Pray that they will make new friends and build on old friendships. Pray for John and Zoe as they get the final things ready in the Dorm before beginning their roles as Dorm Parents for the seventh-grade girls this academic year. 

John and Zoe Putman serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA); AIM’s boarding school which educates and disciples the children of missionaries, in Kijabe, Kenya. Pray for them as they prepare to take on the role of Dorm Parents for 7th grade (UK year 8) girls, in August 2024. As Dorm Parents they will support the pastoral care of these students. Pray for them over the next few weeks as they move into, unpack and furnish the Dorm. Pray that God will bless their efforts to make the Dorm a safe, Christ-centred and enjoyable place to live. 


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE


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