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Christoff and Sarah Power

Isabelle, Esmé, Iris and Sebastian

Sent from Bridge Chapel, Liverpool

Chris and Sarah are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Sarah teaches at RVA.

The Powers lived and worked among the Shibushi unreached people in Mayotte from 2010-2019. Mayotte is a small tropical island located in the Indian Ocean. It became an overseas department of France in 2011 and has since become the home of many immigrants from Africa and neighbouring islands. The islanders practise folk Islam but French development has also brought a modern secular culture to the island. The Powers make short visits to Mayotte to maintain their relationships in the community and encourage the AIM team there. Chris continues to be the Unit Leader for Mayotte.

In 2019, the Power family moved from Mayotte to Nairobi, where Chris and Sarah began serving in the Southern Region office. Chris serves as the Region’s Personnel officer and is involved in placing new missionaries in the region and ensuring they get the support they need to thrive. Sarah served in Member Care and was a coach for Southern Region until the family moved to Kijabe at the end of 2020 so that Sarah could teach at Rift Valley Academy. She currently teaches French and is also the UK guidance coordinator for the school. Both Chris and Sarah have many opportunities to invest in the lives of students through mentoring, Sunday school, evening activities and sports coaching.

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Latest Prayer News

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Sarah teaches at RVA. Give thanks that the school now has 21 new staff joining in August – a huge answer to prayer. The land around the school appears to be stabilising after the April floods and mudslides. Pray for Chris and Sarah and their RVA colleagues as they look forward to welcoming new staff and continue to support the relief efforts in their local area. Pray for them as they make decisions beyond July 2025 when their eldest daughter graduates from RVA.

Chris and Sarah Poweare based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Sarah teaches at RVA. Pray for quality time for them and their children this Easter holiday as the school term takes a break. Pray that God will provide accommodation for their short Home Assignment in the Summer of 2024 and that they will balance rest and visiting their supporters well. 

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Sarah teaches at RVA. Give thanks for answered prayer as eight RVA staff Visas have been approved. Pray more will be approved soon. Pray for Sarah as she prepares a seminar about spiritual transition for the 12th-grade class who are graduating this year and are planning to transition away from RVA to go to university, find work or take gap years. Pray that this seminar will help them think through their own faith journey beyond high school. 

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA), and Sarah teaches at RVA. RVA is AIM’s school for the children of missionaries. Give thanks that Chris and Sarah have been encouraged by the progress of the group of boys and girls they have been mentoring and teaching this term. RVA is urgently needing more staff to support its work in 2024 as staff move on to other ministries, their children graduate, or they feel called to serve elsewhere. Pray that God will lead more teachers, administrators, senior leadership staff, maintenance workers etc to get in touch and support the ministry and staff of RVA as they pray for, teach and disciple the children of missionaries. Could you support the work of RVA? Get in touch here

Chris and Sarah are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA), and Sarah teaches at RVA. Give thanks for the good response Chris’s two sermons had at RVA and for the positive engagement from the students in their Spiritual Emphasis Week (SEW) when several students re-dedicated their lives to the Lord. Pray for the souls of the RVA students to remain in Christ in these formative years. Pray also for smooth immigration processes for the Power family as they move forward with their missionary work permit applications.


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE

Support, Logistics & Pastoral Care

Seeing unreached people reached is fruit of the body of Christ in action. That can mean pilots, qualified counsellors, administrators, photographers all helping and supporting the task of making Jesus known. LEARN MORE
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