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Christoff and Sarah Power

Isabelle, Esmé, Iris and Sebastian

Sent from Bridge Chapel, Liverpool

Having served overseas in different contexts for 15 years, Chris and Sarah are passionate about seeing the gospel shared in the most unreached places as well as caring for Third Culture Kids (TCKS, the children of missionaries). Their nine years on the island of Mayotte gave them valuable insight into the challenges of cross-cultural ministry and the decisions families face regarding schooling for their children. Currently serving at Rift Valley Academy in Kenya, the Lord has been impressing on them the importance of caring for TCKs who have grown up on the mission field, through teaching, coaching and mentoring.  Chris has been working in personnel (HR) for AIM since 2019, in a regional office and now at RVA.  He also oversees pastoral care and the chaplaincy team for the students and staff.  Sarah has been coaching other missionaries throughout AIM for several years alongside teaching French at RVA.

They have now been given the opportunity to move to Black Forest Academy (BFA) in Southwest Germany, another school that is staffed by missionaries so that they can provide affordable education for mission families who are serving throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.  In order to stay long-term in these places which are within the “10/40 window” (10/40 Window | Joshua Project); missionaries send their children from 9th grade (age 14) to board at BFA.  BFA provides an environment where students can thrive and belong as they study alongside other like-minded TCKs and gain an education which will enable them to access universities or work.

Chris has been offered the position of HR Manager at the school and Sarah will be coaching and debriefing missionaries as well as supporting the AIM France office. They will both be building discipleship relationships with BFA students, as they have done at RVA, through sports coaching and small groups.

Could you partner with Chris and Sarah in this work?

Latest Prayer News

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA), and Sarah teaches at RVA. They feel the Lord leading them to new roles in Germany – Chris as the HR Manager at Black Forest Academy and Sarah as a coach for missionaries and support for families on the mission field. Pray for a sense of peace and for faith during this year of transition and that the Lord would provide for their financial needs. Pray that their children would be able to make the most of the last two terms of school at RVA.

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA), and Sarah teaches at RVA. The campus is currently quiet after the boarding students have all returned to spend a month with their families. Ask the Lord for a time of spiritual refreshment and rest for Chris, Sarah and the other staff over the school break. Thank the Lord that one of the girls Sarah mentors has given her life to Jesus. 

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA), and Sarah teaches at RVA. Give thanks for a good first half of the school term. Ask God to give Chris discernment as he supports the staff to teach, run afternoon activities and weekend events, while also working to prevent staff burnout. Pray for time and capacity for Sarah as she balances her master’s in psychology and her teaching priorities

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Sarah teaches at RVA. Give thanks the new students had a good orientation weekend. Pray God will give Chris renewed energy and capacity as he joins the school Leadership Team this year as Staff Wellness Lead, as well as continuing his Personnel role and coaching the Under 19 boys’ football team. Pray God will bless Sarah as she teaches, leads the world languages team and mentors the high school girls this year. 

Chris and Sarah Power are based in Kijabe, Kenya. Chris is the Personnel Director for Rift Valley Academy (RVA) and Sarah teaches at RVA. Give thanks that the school now has 21 new staff joining in August – a huge answer to prayer. The land around the school appears to be stabilising after the April floods and mudslides. Pray for Chris and Sarah and their RVA colleagues as they look forward to welcoming new staff and continue to support the relief efforts in their local area. Pray for them as they make decisions beyond July 2025 when their eldest daughter graduates from RVA.

Rest of the World

AIM's ministry extends across the world as missionaires from the UK and Europe serve in mobilising offices and are involved in work among the African Diaspora in Canada, the US and in other places around the world.


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