Mix and Katie Miner

Avery, Aiden, Eliana

Sent from Grace International Fellowship in Linz, Austria

The Miner family serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). RVA is AIM’s boarding school founded to support missionaries across Africa. Mix works as an art and media design teacher while Katie hopes to work in administration once their children are old enough.

Mix grew up in the Middle-East, where his parents were missionaries. He was there for 17 years until he moved to Austria for his studies. There he met Katie, a farmer girl from the rolling hills of Upper Austria. Both had a heart for God’s Kingdom as they served in a small English-speaking international church in Linz, where they led the music group and the youth group. Mix was part of the leadership team as well as serving as interim pastor for a short time. However, since the beginning of their relationship, both felt the pull to international missions, should God ever open those doors.

They heard about the need at RVA and began the process of praying, researching and asking questions. Could this be what God had been preparing them for? Katie is a trained administrator with years of experience managing the budget of several hospitals. Mix has a master’s degree in education with a focus on Visual Development and Media Design. Both have had experience serving youth and international communities. It is crazy how sometimes God sets the stage for things years in advance!

 The Miners currently have three children, but only the oldest, Avery, seems to consciously share her parents’ excitement. Baby Eliana and her big brother Aiden are just along for the ride for now. However, all pray that their work keeps missionaries in the field who would otherwise need to return home.

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Latest Prayer News

Mix and Katie Miner serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). RVA is AIM’s boarding school which supports missionaries across Africa. They are very grateful for their supporters’ financial partnership allowing them to stay focused on their work. Sadly, some of their colleagues have had to suddenly leave the school and return to their sending region mid-school year to raise funds, which causes disruption and difficulty.

Mix and Katie Miner serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). RVA is AIM’s boarding school which supports missionaries across Africa. Ask God to sustain Mix as he mentors seven students, teaches, and speaks at Chapel when required. Pray for Katie as she balances her role in Child Safety with caring for their three young children. They ask for prayer as they support new students struggling with homesickness and students whose parents serve in areas which experience unrest and instability.  

The Miner family serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). RVA is AIM’s boarding school founded to support missionaries across Africa. Pray for them as the new school year has started. Pray that God will bless Mix with energy as he teaches new students and prepares his classes for the first semester. Pray for God to sustain Katie as she cares for their children Avery, Aiden and Eliana at home on the RVA compound and supports Mix in his ministry. 

The Miner family serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). RVA is AIM’s boarding school founded to support missionaries across Africa and are currently on Home Assignment back in Austria.  Give thanks for the twelve baptisms that took place in RVA’s Sunday service in June. Pray for these young people as they continue to live out their faith in Jesus that they have publicly proclaimed. Pray for Mix and Katie and their children as they rest and enjoy time with family and friends and pray that God will bless their travels and transition back into Kenyan life when they return for the new school term in August 2024.  

The Miner family serve at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). RVA is AIM’s boarding school founded to support missionaries across Africa. Mix works as an art and media design teacher while Katie hopes to work in administration once their children are old enough. Two weeks ago, they awoke at 3AM to the landline phone ringing, they were told to evacuate immediately as there was a landslide next to their house. They and their children were able to stay with a friend for four days and praise God that their house was not badly damaged. Continue to pray for those affected by the floods in Kenya. Pray for peace for Mix, Katie and their three children as they recover from this experience. Continue to pray for the relief work at RVA and the wider community. 


Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963. Since then British tourism has been a key element of Kenya’s economy, however, unemployment, poverty and crime remain high. Whilst the majority religion is Christianity, Kenya’s ethnic diversity and vast countryside means there are still many unreached with the gospel. LEARN MORE


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