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Ruth* works in the Indian Ocean Islands seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them.

She began serving with AIM in 2019 and she is seeking to be bold in her declaration of truth, but also wise in knowing when and how to provoke conversations that will have the greatest gospel impact.

Could you partner with Ruth in this work?

*name has been changed for security reasons

Latest Prayer News

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island, seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. Last month she gathered with other AIM workers to think about ministry to Muslims in Africa. The messages focused on Paul’s example in Acts, reminding them of the story we tell, and ensuring we’re not adding to it and putting more demands on people when they choose to believe. Ruth* came away with lots to think about and also a renewed love for Jesus who is the wonderful message, and a passion to share him with those who so desperately need to hear. One highlight was the prayer evening when some of the Africans attending the conference prayed so passionately and loudly for their continent that Ruth* had goosebumps. They were praying in their own languages, which gave a wonderful foretaste of people from many nations and tongues joining together in the New Creation. It was also such an encouragement being in a big crowd of people for fellowship, reconnecting with old friends, meeting new ones, and singing together.

* Name changed for security reasons.

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. She is having loads of little conversations at the minute, but none are going much further. Please ask that the Spirit would be working and that she would be led to people who want to know/study more. One recent opportunity came when she was belting out some worship songs in her room. The next day, her neighbour’s oldest daughter asked her why she sings, which gave an opportunity in front of several other people to share the good news about Jesus.

*Name changed for security reasons

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. This month she has had a lady joining her to see the work the team are doing and to consider if this is what the Lord is calling her to full-time. Pray that this visitor would have good health and stamina in the heat, a good relationship building experience and guidance for the longer-term future.

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. Ask God to give her contentment and encouragement in where she is at in her language learning and the ability not to compare her progress with other workers. Pray God will give her wisdom as she considers how to share about Jesus this Christmas time, and ask that He will open the hearts of her friends and neighbours to Christ. 

*Names changed for security reasons  

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. Give thanks that her visa has been renewed for another year. Pray God will reveal Himself to her friends Alice* and Sophie*, with whom she has been meeting to study the Bible. Sophie* is due to be married and move away soon, pray that God will give Ruth* many opportunities to speak with her about Jesus before she leaves and ask Him to send another believer to continue these conversations with Sophie* in her new town. 

*Names changed for security reasons.

Indian Ocean Islands

These beautiful tropical islands are 99.9% Muslim and for security reasons we refer to this area as the ‘Indian Ocean Islands’ rather than naming individual islands. Islam is deeply rooted on these islands and to be an islander is to be a Muslim. There are a small number of believers on each island but many follow Jesus secretly for fear of rejection and persecution.


Creative Access

Creative Access refers to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the good news of Jesus. LEARN MORE
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