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Rianne van Leeuwen

Rianne van Leeuwen works as a Mission Mobiliser for Africa Inland Mission in the Netherlands.

Our mission is to support churches in the Netherlands and their members to respond to the Biblical command to make all nations His disciples.

Since 2021, she has been involved in AIM’s work in the Netherlands as a mobiliser. In this, she works with a local board. In doing so, she is part of the European team of mobilisers in the European office. As a Dutch mobiliser, she sees it as her task and assignment to encourage and support churches in fulfilling our mission. In doing so, she gives specific attention to the work to be done among the peoples of Africa. She encourages people to get involved in cross-cultural mission through their prayers, financial support or by considering going themselves.

Both the work in Africa done by our Dutch missionaries and the work in the Netherlands is all about building relationships. She establishes and maintains contact with churches and church leaders, with other mission organisations that also work among the least reached peoples. She believes in the power of cooperation and sees it as her mission to connect churches and missions more and more. It is the church that sends and she gets to help them understand their part in God’s global mission.

Besides her work for AIM,  she is also involved in an Arts & Discipleship School and works with several artists. In this, too, she has a mission to use these arts to serve society and (re)connect people with the creator God.

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Latest Prayer News

Rianne van Leeuwen works as a Mission Mobiliser for Africa Inland Mission in the Netherlands. Ask God to give her renewed joy in Christ after meeting with her UK colleagues in-person for meetings last week. Pray for a smooth application process for the several short term candidates she is supporting through the AIM Netherlands office. Ask God to give Rianne capacity to complete all that is needed to send these candidates to their various ministries in Africa and that they will be well equipped to share the gospel where God has called them.

Rianne van Leeuwen is a Mission Mobiliser for Africa Inland Mission in the Netherlands. Pray for Rianne as she supports an enquirer applying to join AIM Netherlands. Pray that God will continue to reveal His will to him and that the Lord will bless his journey towards sharing the gospel long term in Africa. 

Rianne van Leeuwen works as a Mission Mobiliser for Africa Inland Mission in the Netherlands. Pray for Borderless people in Holland. Pray for her and the AIM Borderless team as they follow God’s call to serve African people in Holland as they come to the Netherlands, often displaced from different countries. Pray that God will open doors for Rianne and the Netherlands Office to partner well with other organisations working amongst borderless people like refugees and asylum seekers, to support and reach them with the gospel. 

Rianne van Leeuwen works as a Mission Mobiliser for Africa Inland Mission in the Netherlands. Pray for new contacts with new churches in Holland. Pray for more than a open door, but also open hearts for the people in these churches to share the gospel with those who need it.

Please pray for Carin and Rianne from the AIM Netherlands Office as they teach a missions class at the Evangelical College today. Pray for God to open the hearts and minds of the students and for Him to give Carin and Rianne the right words to say as they would love to warm students’ hearts for cross-cultural missions for the unreached. 

United Kingdom & Europe

Ministry in the United Kingdom & Europe ranges from being a part of mobilising offices, to teaching in Bible colleges to being involved in work among the African Diaspora across the continent. LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE
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