Bridget Howard

Sent from Holy Trinity; St Patrick’s, Wallington, Surrey

Bridget retired formally from serving with AIM at the end of March 2020, although she now volunteers remotely as the Administrator for AIM France.

In September 2011, Bridget crossed the border from Congo to take up a teaching position with New Creation Ministries in Kigali, Rwanda. Here she was responsible for a variety of English courses: general English to adults in the English for Study and Service courses, English to pastors in the Pastors’ Training School and academic English at the Christian Leadership Institute of Rwanda (CLIR). At CLIR, Bridget ensured that the students’ level of English was adequate for studying at degree level.

Since 1980 she had already had a multi-faceted experience of teaching in Africa: teaching missionaries’ children at Rethy Academy and secondary school pupils at Institut Luru, working as a school advisor for the CECA-20 (AIM’s partner church in Zaire/DR Congo) schools in the north-eastern region of Zaire, and latterly preparing secondary school trainee teachers at Institut Supérieur Pédagogique CECA/20 in the newly-named Congo.

Evacuation from Zaire led to teaching in Nairobi, administration in the AIM France office and five years of administration at the International Office in Bristol. This wide experience of AIM ministry provided a suitable backcloth for the added responsibility of serving as AIM Rwanda Unit Leader.


Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

Bridget has returned to the UK before retiring from serving with AIM. “A major activity has been to start on the search for property in order to have somewhere to settle after my home assignment. Wallington ticks many of the boxes on my list so this is where I’ve been viewing. Wallington is a small town and hasn’t changed too much over the years since I first came here to teach. Some of the members of the church are parents of children who were pupils at the school when I taught there, and some of my contemporaneous colleagues live nearby. There has been a major change in demographics in the town, however, and several of those serving in shops are of Asian descent with connections with Kenya who love to talk about life in Nairobi and Africa.” Please pray for God to provide somewhere for Bridget to live and for him to guide her into how she should be spending her time and energy in her retirement.

Bridget will be returning to the UK in March for a final Home Assignment before retiring from missionary service. “I plan to attend a couple of re-entry retreats at the beginning of April for Christian workers returning to the UK after ministry overseas, and for full-time Christian workers preparing for retirement… 2019 will be a time of Home Assignment, i.e. reconnecting with churches and supporters, attending conferences, meeting with mission personnel for debriefing, visiting friends and adjusting to life in the UK. Before I leave I have quite a heavy teaching load to undertake as well as packing up the house and disposing of my belongings. So I would appreciate prayer for stamina and enthusiasm!”

“We are at a guest house on Lake Mahazi, the ‘finger lake’ to the east of Kigali, a quiet place for the annual NCM [New Creation Ministries] staff and leadership weekend retreat. This year the matter for discussion and prayer is rather pressing as the government has recently issued new legislation regarding requirements for anyone who teaches or preaches in a church. These new requirements may have implications for our training programmes and our credentials as a training institution. Please pray for the Executive Committee as they bear the burden of implementing a strategic plan.”

“The news of the moment is that I have decided on my return date to the UK. With the changes of personnel at New Creation Ministries and the re-evaluation of some of the courses, it has been decided to offer the Academic Writing and Research module as the first module for the new 2019 intake and I was asked to teach that course. After talking with various trusted advisors, I have agreed to do so since I seem well-placed to use my experience and knowledge of the student’s needs and problems. It will be an 8-week module from January to early March. So it looks as if I’ll be back in the UK while we are still in Europe before we Brexit! Please pray for me as I complete preparation and teaching of that course and for the three remaining PTS study blocks. I’m still undecided as to how to use my time and if it will be possible to offer adult English courses during the remaining months. Please pray also that we will be able to find a replacement teacher of English.”


Rwanda. Following the genocide in 1994, Rwanda’s churches found a huge gap in their leadership, both in the numbers of leaders available and in training they had received. It has been suggested that only 5% of pastors of churches in the capital, Kigali, have had a secondary school education. AIM was invited by a protestant denomination to help train pastors and began doing so through regular teaching visits. LEARN MORE


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