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Kathleen Quellmalz

Sent from Evangelical Lutheran Church, St Bartholomai, Treuen, Germany

Kathleen has been serving with AIM among street children in Tanzania since 1995.

Kathleen works with Safina Street Network in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In her role as Director, Kathleen seeks to equip and guide staff in the various areas of the ministry and seek God’s will along with the leadership team for future development.

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Latest Prayer News

Kathleen Quellmalz serves in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with Safina Street Network; an outreach working with vulnerable children and young people. Praise God for the 117 children aged 12—16 who attended Safina’s children’s camp in June 2024. The camp was a blessed time of fellowship, games, good food and God’s word and had an impact on the children who came. One child said, “I was able to get to know Jesus as my Saviour and I feel that something in me has been healed. I liked the Bible studies, but also the food, the games and the sport.” Pray for each child as they continue to think about what they have learned and ask that they will accept Jesus as their Saviour. 

Kathleen Quellmalz works with Safina Street Network in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Give thanks for the Lord’s provision of a new farm for the branch team to use for their ministry. A neighbour was selling the farm to pay off his debts, however the asking price was high, but after emailing her and her ministry’s friends informing them of this opportunity, in 24 hours they had enough pledges and money together to buy the farm. Kathleen was filled with joy as, after she and the branch coordinators had been praising God while inspecting the farm, Kathleen turned around and saw a rainbow in the sky – a reminder that God keeps His promises. Give thanks for this new opportunity for ministry and pray that the farm will be known as a place of God’s love and be used to bless many in the surrounding area. 

Kathleen Quellmalz works with Safina Street Network in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Pray for her as she has now returned to Tanzania after some time away. Pray that she will continue to seek the Lord in balancing work and rest. Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill her with His peace and help her to see her value in simply being a daughter of God, rather than in her role in Safina or in other ways. Pray for her and the Safina team as they support students in their final exams and continue to seek God in their ministry. 

Kathleen Quellmalz works with Safina Street Network in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Give thanks for both the young men’s and women’s Easter camps that were held in April. The young people were able to spend time cooking, gardening, sewing and playing football and other sports alongside Bible studies and sermons. Praise God for the 36 young people who decided to give their lives to Jesus and pray that Christ would strengthen them in His Word and that they would grow in faith in the days, weeks months and years ahead.

Pray with Kathleen in Tanzania; for God to enable the construction of a foster family house in a central town and for opportunities to arise for a shelter to be built in two local towns. Please pray for God to provide the necessary funds to support these projects and for the Safina Street Network team to rely on God as they seek to find homes for the street children of Tanzania.  


Tanzania is one of the world’s poorest nations; agricultural subsistence dominates its economy. Health and education sectors require massive investments.There is freedom of religion; all major faiths have the ability to share and propagate their faith. Christianity makes up 54% of the population with Islam totalling 31%. LEARN MORE

Children & Youth

In sharing the gospel with children & young people our hope is to develop disciple making disciples – to demonstrate God’s immeasurable love for children and to offer them the reassurance and peace that a relationship with him can bring. LEARN MORE
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Street outreach in Tanzania

Safina Street Network is an outreach service working with vulnerable children and young people in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Safina aims to help these children come into a relationship with Jesus Christ as well as assisting them with shelter, food, medical treatment, education and life skills. We asked a few of the children and young people some questions about themselves and their lives