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Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana

Sent from Basel-Holee Mennonite Church, Switzerland

Jessica serves with the AIM French-speaking office as Communications Manager.

From 2013-2020 Jessica served with AIM in Rwanda, coordinating a life skills curriculum called WHY WAIT?. WHY WAIT? is based on Biblical principles and Jessica also worked in a youth camp ministry called 3D Christian Camps, the 3 ‘D’s’ standing for ‘Discover’, ‘Decide’ and ‘Do it’, as that is their desire for the camp participants. From 2018 until finishing in Rwanda she was also involved in mobilising for mission by helping to facilitate Kairos courses.

In 2020, Jessica finished her assignment in Rwanda and married her husband Eric. She is currently living in the Netherlands and serving with the AIM French-speaking office particularly in communication and translation work.

Could you partner with Jessica in this work?

Latest Prayer News

Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana serves as the administrator for the AIM France office. Pray for Jess as she runs an AIM stand at an event in the French speaking part of Switzerland today. Please pray for all the speakers and participants. Please pray for her conversations with the people God puts in her path, that they may be inspired by God for cross-cultural mission 

Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana serves with the AIM French-speaking office as Communications Manager. Today marks the beginning of the Francophone GO programme, which equips participants with the basic skills to live and share the gospel with people who have never heard it. Pray for Jessica as she facilitates the programme and pray for God to prepare the hearts of the participants and that it would be a wonderful time of sharing, unity and growth. 

Jessica serves with the AIM French-speaking office as Communications Manager. Give thanks that her husband, Eric, was granted his work permit and that God has opened up a job opportunity for him in their new country of residence. Pray for Jessica to continually count her blessings and lean on Christ as she works with a missionary couple who hope to return to Africa in October and one individual preparing for a Short-Term trip to Kenya this year. 

Jessica Goldschidt-Habyarimana works as Communications Manager in the AIM France office. Praise God that she and her husband Eric and her daughter Ineza have successfully settled in their new home in Switzerland. Please pray with them for those students from the Geneva Bible Institute who are thinking of doing a mission internship, that God would guide them as they seek the right placements. 

Today we give thanks that Jessica Goldschmidt-Habyarimana from AIM France, and her family, have successfully moved into their new home in Switzerland where Jessica will continue to serve as AIM France’s Communications Manager. Please pray for her as she settles into a new house and new country and that she would feel God’s presence in this time of change. 

United Kingdom & Europe

Ministry in the United Kingdom & Europe ranges from being a part of mobilising offices, to teaching in Bible colleges to being involved in work among the African Diaspora across the continent. LEARN MORE

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