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Graham and Fiona

Graham and Fiona* are in a creative access location they fondly refer to as ‘Wonderland’. They moved there several years ago after serving African churches in medical outreach in different African locations. They continue to use their medical skills to serve Wonderlanders.

During most of their time in Wonderland they have had team members serving alongside them. Through the wide range of relationships they and their team members have developed in their town, they have had multiple opportunities to share the good news that is found in Jesus. Groups have started to study God’s Word. The Holy Spirit is at work!

Could you partner with Graham and Fiona in this work?

*names have been changed for security reasons

Latest Prayer News

Graham and Fiona* served in a creative access location and are back in the UK for their final home assignment before their retirement. Give thanks with them for the amazing privilege it is to maintain deep friendships with friends & “family” in various places in Africa. Pray for them in this time of transition as they seek to settle and establish roots, fellowship and community in Scotland.

* Names changed for security reasons

One of our affiliates is in North Africa this week to teach English. Today they have been invited to the home of a local student – the first time this has happened. Pray for an opportunity for a clear sharing of the universally amazing good news, and hearts ready to receive it.  

Graham and Fiona* served in a creative access location and are back in the UK for their final home assignment before their retirement. Give thanks that they have had rest for their hearts, souls and bodies in the US after the intense last few months. Pray for wisdom and peace regarding their housing situation and the process of going through the eviction process with their tenant.

*Names changed for security reasons

Ruth* works on an Indian Ocean Island seeking to share the gospel with people who have never had it explained to them. Ask God to give her contentment and encouragement in where she is at in her language learning and the ability not to compare her progress with other workers. Pray God will give her wisdom as she considers how to share about Jesus this Christmas time, and ask that He will open the hearts of her friends and neighbours to Christ. 

*Names changed for security reasons  

Dawn* works to bring the gospel to unreached peoples in the Indian Ocean Islands. Ask God to prepare her heart to say goodbye to her friends on the Islands as she returns to the UK for a short visit. Pray for safe travels and a blessed time in the UK meeting with friends and family and updating her church and supporters on how God is using her and His people to share the gospel on the Islands. 

*Names changed for security reasons 

Creative Access

We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity. LEARN MORE


We long to see Health Professionals practising, modelling and mentoring competent, compassionate medicine, but doing so in places where they will influence unreached people groups for Christ. LEARN MORE
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