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Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. After graduating from University and completing a ministry training course at his church, he felt called to overseas work. Edward first met people from his country of service, while doing outreach in London, and felt God was calling him to serve there. He teaches Maths, Physics, and English at a University.

Edward is part of a team that aims to share the good news of Jesus with local people. Because public ministry is not possible in his country, he is seeking to win his colleagues and friends to Christ through private conversations and by reading God’s word with them. Though the spiritual ground is hard, he has already had exciting opportunities to share the gospel.

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*Name changed for security reasons.

Latest Prayer News

Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. Give thanks for a good start to the new academic year, and for stability at the university. Pray for boldness to share with students. After feeling prompted by the Spirit to ask Andrew* to read some Scripture with him, they had an incredible time reading John 6. Andrew* asked what it might feel like when God calls us and gives us faith, as if he was considering that it could be happening to him. Pray for the Lord to give Andrew* faith.

*Names changed for security reasons

Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. Give thanks that the government elections in his country went peacefully. There are big changes ahead and the leadership of the university Edward teaches at is expected to be replaced in line with the new government leadership. Ask God to give Edward peace as he anticipates some of his colleagues leaving, many of whom he has built a good friendship with. Pray that God will open further doors for Edward to speak about his faith in Jesus with his current colleagues and that they will be interested in learning more. 

*Names changed for security reasons 

Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. Pray that God will bless his local language acquisition as he spends two weeks in the capital city to study the language more intensively. Give thanks that after many Bible discussions and working through large differences in worldview, his friend Jason* agreed that he now understood the Christian view on sin and why the penalty of sin is death. Praise God for this huge step forward in Jason’s understanding. Ask God to help Jason see and understand how only Jesus could perfectly pay the price for sin and that he did so on the cross. 

*Names changed for security reasons. 

Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. Pray for his local friend Andrew* who is showing signs of growing interest in Jesus after studying the gospel of John with Edward over the past months. While not professing faith in Jesus yet, Andrew* has been referring to Jesus as ‘his’ prophet who shows him the way to God, which is a significant step forward. Pray for patience and continuous progress in language learning for Edward as he seeks to show Andrew through the Bible how Jesus is not simply a prophet but is God Himself.   

*Names changed for security reasons 

Edward* serves in a closed country where there are very few Christians. Give thanks that God has opened further opportunities to read the Bible with three friends. Pray for Matt* and Jack* who have expressed a desire to meet again and read more gospel with Edward*. Praise God that Edward*’s friend Michael* agreed to read some of the book of Exodus with him and explore God’s mercy and justice and how these are not mutually exclusive in God’s character. Pray that this small step forward will continue to open doors to further gospel conversations as Michael* has agreed to read together more in future. 

*Names changed for security reasons.

Creative Access

We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity. LEARN MORE


Teaching is not just a support ministry. It's vital in sharing the gospel, displaying Christ and helping children and young people to thrive. Could you use your gifts and skills to make Jesus known among the nations? LEARN MORE
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