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Cees and Mirjam Molenaar

Obed, Mozes

Sent from Westerkerk and International Christian Fellowship, Veenendaal

The Molenaar family moved to Kampala, Uganda, in the Summer of 2023, with the aim of focusing specifically on reaching the region of Karamoja. Their sons Obed (2008) and Mozes (2009) will accompany them while their older children Joas and Rhodé will support them from their home in the Netherlands. The move to Kampala means a return to Africa for Cees and Mirjam, as they served with another mission organisation in Zambia and Malawi from 2006 to 2016, training pastors and Sunday School teachers and leading in women’s outreach.

AIM is involved in disciple-making among unreached people groups in Uganda, particularly the Karimojong, Ik and Tapeth peoples. The team is equipping leaders for young churches that are planted in the towns. Partnering with the church in Uganda, the AIM team helps them discover God’s call to missions, develop and train missionaries and sending churches, and deploy African missionaries.

Cees and Mirjam will be working with the Karamoja ministry partners to identify, develop, and support contextualised training for church leaders in the region. The gospel still has a long way to go to reach the manyattas (villages) and the daily lives of the people. Local missionaries will be mentored and trained to disciple new believers in the communities. Next to pastors and evangelists, Cees and Mirjam hope to encourage ministry among children and women by training those who feel called to bring them the gospel of salvation. In Kampala, there will be ample opportunity to equip and mobilise believers in local churches for missions, build relationships with partners in the work, and participate in the fellowship of a local church.

Cees and Mirjam look forward to working with the established churches in Uganda to carry the gospel into the lives of unreached people groups. They are most looking forward to seeing new communities live out their faith.

They are particularly encouraged by the Bible verse from 2 Timothy chapter two verse two: “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 

Could you partner with Cees and Mirjam in this work?

Latest Prayer News

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar recently moved from Kampala to Kotido, Uganda, to engage the Karimojong people for Christ. A vision is coming together for a mission hub, a training centre which supports, promotes and propels missionary ministry. The first concrete step is to buy land and begin building a house. Pray for a smooth process in this and firmer details for the vision moving forwards. 

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar recently moved from Kampala, to Kotido, Uganda, to engage the Karimojong people for Christ. As they begin to get a better picture of the lay of the land, pray for wisdom to deal with the constant, overwhelming stream of requests for help: school fees, cement, food, clothing, back rent, grocery money, blankets, Bibles, sound boxes, etc. Pray they’ll have discernment to fulfil the believer’s calling to take care of the poor and be compassionate wisely.

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar recently moved from Kampala, to Kotido, Uganda, to engage the Karimojong people for Christ. They have been in Kotido for three weeks now; pray that they continue to settle in well. Ask God to provide a suitable, long-term home for them, as they are currently in temporary accommodation for six months. Pray God will comfort them in the absence of their youngest sons, Mozes and Obed, who recently started at Rift Valley Academy (RVA), AIM’s boarding school for the children of missionaries. Pray the boys will thrive academically and in spiritual discipleship at RVA and that God will give Cees and Mirjam renewed joy, knowing their boys are well and that there is much gospel work for them to get stuck into in Kotido.   

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar served in Kampala, Uganda, travelling often to reach the region of Karamoja. Pray for them as they return from Home Assignment and move to Kotido in the Karamoja region, to more easily engage with the Karimojong people without the need for constant travel. Pray that God will help them to adjust to a more rural community with fewer resources and services close by. Pray that they will rely on God as they say goodbye to their youngest sons, Mozes and Obed, beginning at Rift Valley Academy, as education opportunities in Karamoja are limited. 

Cees and Mirjam Molenaar serve in Kampala, focusing specifically on reaching the region of Karamoja and are now on a short Home Assignment. Give thanks for so many answered prayers over the last months; their work permits were approved; God provided many opportunities to visit Karamoja and their sons Mozes and Obed settled well into an International School in Kampala. Pray that their Home Assignment in the Netherlands will be an encouraging and refreshing time with family and visiting supporters. When they return to Uganda, they will move to the Karamoja region and Mozes and Obed will attend RVA in Kenya. Pray that God will provide a house for them to live in when they arrive and that Mozes and Obed will transition well to their new schooling arrangements. 


80% of Uganda is engaged in agriculture. The healthy economy of the 1960s was crippled in 1972 by the expulsion of the Asian business community, and then virtually destroyed by tyranny and wars. It has steadily improved since 1992. Under previous government regimes there were restrictions on persecuted Christians, but there is now freedom of religion. LEARN MORE

Church Development

We hope that our church development work with local African churches will lead them to be centres of hope and love that draw more people to Jesus. LEARN MORE
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