Angelika Maader

Sent from ELC Albertshausen and Neuenmarkt, Germany

Partner with Angelika Maader

Until February 2021 Angelica was a teacher and counsellor at INTENA (Seminário Teológico Evangélico de Nampula), and worked with PROFORTE in Nampula, Mozambique.

She began serving with AIM as a church worker in Mozambique in 1994 before working at INTENA. Besides her teaching work, Angelika was part of PROFORTE (Programa de Formação Theológica Evangélica de Moçambique), a programme that promotes excellence in Bible schools.

Latest Prayer News

Give thanks that Geoff Donaldson, one of AIM’s Mission Advisors in Ireland has had a smooth ending to his role within AIM and has followed God’s calling to take up the position of Ireland Director for Europe Christian Mission (ECM). Pray for him as he settles into his new role and that he would rely on the Lord for his strength. 

Please pray for Angelika Maader, who has recently retired from missionary service in Mozambique and returned to Germany. Pray that she will re-settle in Germany well, especially given the added challenges of Covid-19 restrictions on top of the reverse culture shock that returning missionaries often experience.

Angelika is preparing to finish serving in Mozambique at the end of January. “Praise God for the good and harmonious course of my first three farewells at two church services and the end of the semester at SEMTENA It is good to look back at what God has done over the years… Please pray for the completion of various handovers, and cleaning and clearing out my material and personal belongings.”

Angelika is planning to leave Mozambique in January for her final Home Assignment before retiring from missionary service: “Praise God for being able to complete administrative formalities (bank, handing over leadership, removing my name from car documents, etc) that I needed to finish in order to begin leaving Nampula. Please pray for my farewells to various church leaders, individuals, former students and others. Please pray for this emotional time.”

“Thank God for the commitment and imagination of teachers and students at INTENA who, despite Covid-19 restrictions, are maintaining studies in a modified form… Please pray for continued inspiration for good ideas for lessons at INTENA. Because it is not yet officially recognised, it doesn’t have permission to open at the moment. Meetings in small groups are possible with adherence to the regulations, and this is what we are doing at the moment.”


Since independence from Portugal in 1975 Mozambique was battered by civil war, economic woes and famine. Since peace in 1992 though, the country has developed one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Many are still unreached with the gospel and 17% of the country practice Islam. LEARN MORE

Church Development

We hope that our church development work with local African churches will lead them to be centres of hope and love that draw more people to Jesus. LEARN MORE

Bible & Theology

Theological & biblical training exists to serve the church to participate in God’s mission in this world — it is about following Jesus, learning from him and growing to be like him. LEARN MORE
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