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Sent from Woodlands Christian Centre, Bristol

Amelia* led a team serving among a Muslim people group on a small tropical island in the Indian Ocean, teaching English and studying the local language and culture.

She now serves in West Africa,  sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ.

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*name has been changed for security reasons

Latest Prayer News

Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for new believers amongst the groups in the South and that some of them in the capital have been fasting and praying for the majority people group. There are many reasons why it would be hard for the good news to spread from one group to the other, but as the Spirit leads people to love when they have only received prejudice and oppression, might that be the very thing that causes this country to crack wide open? Pray for healing and forgiveness, and a compelling vision for a unified church that draws in men and women from every area of society. 

Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Pray that the Lord would help her to navigate the ups and downs of life there: the frustration of not being able to express herself; of feeling like she’s not making the progress she should; of never being quite sure what cultural foible she’s on the edge of making. Pray that she would know how best to study and what to focus on in each language lesson. Thank the Lord for a couple of lessons a week with a new energetic language helper, for kind neighbours, and for a new group of women she met recently who patiently endured talking to her despite her garbled language!

*Name changed for security reasons

Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Pray that her language teacher will want to hear more stories about Amelia*’s life and how Jesus has saved her from eternal judgment. She tells Amelia* that she feels like life is slipping by without her feeling like she’s achieved the things she wants to do, some of which are memorising her holy book and learning about other faiths. Soon Amelia* plans to use some Bible stories as part of their language learning time; pray that God will prepare her language teacher’s heart to receive these stories as the life-changing truth that they are. 

*Names changed for security reasons 

Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Give thanks that God has answered her prayer and provided multiple groups of women willing to befriend her and invite her to sit and talk with them. Her neighbour and her daughters have warmed to her and regularly bring food parcels to her flat as a sign of friendship. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give Amelia the skills she needs, both in language and in compassion and cultural awareness, to deepen her friendships with these women and girls. 

*Names changed for security reasons. 

Amelia* serves in West Africa, sharing the gospel with those in a region that is very opposed to the message of Jesus Christ. Give thanks that her language learning continues to improve and that her friends and neighbours are patient with her as she picks up the basics. She asks us to pray for the Holy Spirit to guard her heart against pride and comparison in her language classes, as it can be difficult to feel that others are improving faster than her or can be tempting to press on in pride when she feels she is doing better. Pray she would continue to have a soft heart before the Lord and before her neighbours as she learns to be content in her dependence on others to communicate. 

*Name changed for security reasons

Creative Access

We use ‘Creative Access’ to refer to nations, areas or ministries where there is great hostility towards Christianity and where traditional ‘missionary work’ is not possible. Workers, therefore, need to be ‘creative’ in how they proclaim the liberating news of Jesus Christ. In North Africa alone, 200 million people from 472 unreached people groups are unreached with the gospel. That’s 200 million people unknowingly heading for a Christ-less eternity. LEARN MORE

Outreach & Evangelism

We long to let all Africa's people know that they can have life, in all its fullness, for comfort rather than being in fear of breaking taboos or working to earn favour in the eyes of their gods. LEARN MORE
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