Reaching the unreached in North Africa

Northern Region encompasses 18 countries with a total population of over 362 million people. Only 0.05% of this total are evangelical believers, 90% are Muslim, 200 million form 472 unreached people groups.

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What does reaching the unreached look like in North Africa?

Many of these countries have an ancient Christian history. Through decadence, politics, war and Islamic conquest though, this has been all but extinguished. Today, they are buried deep in darkness, desperately in need of the light. AIM’s vision is to bring the life-giving light of Jesus to these unreached people. We are praying for opportunities to share the gospel and see populations of evangelical believers across this region.

To accomplish this vision we will find creative ways that enable followers of Jesus to live amongst these hard to reach peoples. We trust that where the gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, both in word and deed, the result will be disciple making and church planting movements, by mission partners and by Africans.


The body of Christ in action

The book The Insanity of Obedience by Nik Ripkin states that there are three things common in the conversion process of Muslims: dreams and visions, significant encounters with the Bible, and encounters with local believers or believers from neighbouring countries (known as ‘near-culture’ believers). We have seen this in action as the Father has been using ‘near-culture’ believers from NR7 to impact people in NR6, as well as in other North African countries.

‘At just the right time’ an NR7 believer called Abraham*, came into the lives of our workers in NR6. We had discovered a young NR6 believer online, called Abdul* who had found Jesus on his own through the internet. We were able to meet with Abdul and give him his first ever copy of the Bible. But then, Abraham was able to meet and connect with him in his heart language in a way that our workers were unable to. Our workers, in turn, have been able to consult and work together with Abraham as he seeks to get a business off the ground so he can stay in NR6. Praise God for his church, the body of Christ! 

*names changed

So what is our strategy? First is prayer! Secondly, we are researching every unreached people group across Northern Region then, based on that information we will seek to place teams where the Lord opens doors for us to work. Thirdly, we will focus on caring for our personnel by providing clear vision, strategy and support, under good leadership. Fourthly, we are seeking to partner with like-minded organisations across North Africa as well as engaging with the incredible resources of the African church, so more can participate in reaching the unreached in Africa with the light of Jesus.

The cost is high

The cost will undoubtedly be high. Jesus reminds us that though he will never leave us or forsake us, obedience to him requires sacrifice and suffering. We are praying for workers who are passionate for Christ and his honour, who are ready to rise to these challenges by the power of the Spirit and who are hungry for the millions who are blind to come to sight through faith in Jesus.

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There are so many ways you can be a part of reaching Africa's unreached peoples with the good news of Jesus Christ.