Participate in what God is doing.

Designed to help everyday Christians rethink God’s mission, the call of the church, and each of our individual roles.  

We’re hosting a free online, six-week discussion group, using the videos and resources provided by MomentumYes. Together we want to have our eyes and hearts opened to what God is already doing around the world, align our priorities with God’s, and rethink our lives and how we can be involved from wherever we are.

We pray it will challenge and inspire you to see what God is doing around his world, and how you can be a part of sharing his love. It’s a great tool to help you both on your own discipleship journey, and also as you seek to disciple others.

Join us on your own, with friends and family or with your church. Why not encourage your whole house group to come along? Sign up for the next group, or check out the materials yourself and start your own group – let us know how you get on!

Digital flyers and church notices

A digital flyer that you can email to anyone you think might be interested, or an advert that can be used in your church or housegroup notices will be available when we confirm the date of the next course.


Sign up for our next MomentumYes course: 

Sign up to find out when our next course will run.  They normally run for six weeks, on Mondays from 7.30-9.00pm on Zoom. Even if you’re signing up as a group, please sign up each person here so that everyone can be sent further details and the Zoom links.

Any questions, please email Debbie at

Momentum Yes booking