Inspirational Scottish Conference

The 2015 Scottish Conference took place on Saturday 28 March at Perth Baptist Church. Around 100 delegates spent their Saturday being encouraged, inspired and challenged during the event – and were incredibly well fed too! With Bible teaching from David Childs, who is a member of the AIM Scottish Advisory Group, an engaging report from Catherine Grier, presently on home assignment from Chad and input from many family members of missionaries ‘on the field’, it was a great day. It was especially exciting to be able to introduce six new short termers to the delegates, one of whom was heading out to a creative access location the following day.

“first AIM Conference – all wonderful!”


Youth and children’s work was led by Alastair and Angela Lunan. The Lunan’s served with AIM at Wellspring Academy in Chad, as short termers.

We were privileged to informally commission our newest long term Scottish missionary, as she will be on assignment in a creative access location by the time the 2016 conference comes around. We also had an opportunity to say thank you and farewell to a long-serving missionary couple who were leaving the service of AIM, but continuing work in another creative access location. We trialled a new prayer initiative during the day, where we stopped frequently to pray for five minutes for what we had just heard, and this was very well received.

The children of our delegates were well catered for, with a mission focused children’s programme running throughout the entire day, courtesy of Alastair & Angela Lunan and they were able to showcase some of what they had been learning towards the end of the day.

Comments following the event included, “Excellent – one of the best!”, “Very helpful”, “Inspirational” and one that I found particularly encouraging from a first time delegate – “first AIM Conference – all wonderful!”

Our next Scottish Conference is planned for Saturday 23 April 2016, again at Perth Baptist Church, so why not put the date in your diary now and plan to be with us then?

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