Leave a legacy
A living legacy
No matter who you are or what you do in life, making a will is an opportunity to reflect on you life and how you’d like to remember your family, friends and the causes you are passionate about.
It is only by making a will that you can be sure that your wishes will be known and respected after your death.
Your will may well be the most important document you ever sign – a living testimony to your values and beliefs, your hopes and dreams. It is all about life and by making a legacy in your will it is you who chooses who benefits from what you have.

Legacies have enabled: Christ-centred churches to be formed among Africa’s peoples.
The diversity of spiritual gifts which should be found in Christ-centred churches require missionaries to represent a variety of gifts, skills, and backgrounds. Legacy donations have helped us to mobilise missionaries from different walks of life, who work in a range of settings, so that the body of Christ may grow and build itself up in love.
What is a legacy?
A legacy is a gift of cash or property included in your will. 57% of people in the UK give to charitable causes – one of which is AIM.
About half of these people say they’d happily leave a legacy to such a charity in their will once family and friends have been provided for, however only 7% actually put those arrangements in place.
Legacies left to UK charities are currently free from inheritance tax.
Why make a legacy?
Leaving a legacy to AIM means that your money will go on reaching those who have yet to hear the gospel, and support our aim of seeing Christ-centred churches among all African peoples.
Such legacies are essential income for missions today. Much of our work would not be possible without them. You don’t have to be rich to make a difference. We receive legacies ranging from £50 to an entire estate. Each one is important to us.
Legacies have enabled: African disciples to be made.Discipleship is often most effective when missionaries are able to remain in ministry for many years, or even decades. Legacies have enabled us to provide the infrastructure necessary to care for our missionaries, in order to equip them to be fruitful in making disciples, and to be able to persevere, even when serving in difficult environments.
Discipleship is often most effective when missionaries are able to remain in ministry for many years, or even decades. Legacies have enabled us to provide the infrastructure necessary to care for our missionaries, in order to equip them to be fruitful in making disciples, and to be able to persevere, even when serving in difficult environments.
How do I make a legacy?
There are three ways to make a legacy:
Residuary bequest: a gift of everything or a percentage of everything once debts and specific bequests to family and friends have been paid.
Pecuniary bequest: a fixed amount of money. Rises in inflation could reduce the gift’s final impact. For example £1,000 left in a will in 1980 would be worth only £431 today. A clause may be added for a gift to be index-linked to inflation.
Specific bequest: a gift of a specific item (e.g. your property, jewellery, shares or investments).
What if I don’t have a will?
It’s easy to include a legacy in your existing will. All you need to do is add a codicil which is an amendment to your will. Take this to your solicitor for preparation and advice on making the codicil. You can download a legacy form here.
A will is an important legal document. You will want to be sure you get it right. We suggest you consult a solicitor to discuss your wishes so that you can make proper provision for your family and nominated charities.
Someone in your church may know of a solicitor who can help you. Alternatively the Law Society provides details of qualified solicitors in your area www.lawsociety.org.uk
Legacies have enabled: The gospel to be proclaimed to African people groups.We use legacy funding to help support those called to gospel proclamation, but who are struggling to raise the necessary money through their own networks. Your legacy could allow missionaries to begin ministry sooner, or to stay in ministry when funding is affected by economic downturns, recessions or currency fluctuations.
We use legacy funding to help support those called to gospel proclamation, but who are struggling to raise the necessary money through their own networks. Your legacy could allow missionaries to begin ministry sooner, or to stay in ministry when funding is affected by economic downturns, recessions or currency fluctuations.
Want to tell us about a pledge?
If you have included AIM in your will, and would like to let us know, we would be delighted to hear from you, and to have the opportunity to thank you for your kindness. Please email our team at donations.eu@aimint.org. If you have a question about leaving money to AIM in your will, please also use this address. Remember that AIM cannot advise you about your estate and you should seek both family and professional advice.