Doing church

Alan and Elizabeth Gilmore recently joined a team visiting Rex, Ruby* and their children in North Africa.

Our team of six were seeking to learn more about North Africa generally as well as Rex & Ruby’s situation and its challenges. We were seeking to encourage them in their work and to help them, albeit in a very limited way due to language constraints, in the work that they are doing. It was good to meet together as a group for an orientation day before going to North Africa as this provided us with a greater understanding of the country and culture, how to avoid potential issues and also to pray together.

There we had the opportunity to spend time each day studying God’s Word and praying together. We went on prayer walks around the town, asking God to reveal himself to the people there and bring many into his kingdom. These walks really brought home to us the very isolated situation which Rex, Ruby and their children have to face as a family, how resilient they have been, and how God has helped and supported them throughout this time. We so often take for granted the blessings of fellowship together in a local church – a situation that they cannot currently enjoy, and we were reminded how important it is to pray for them and keep in regular contact and how worthwhile it was to make this trip to encourage them.

Having returned home after a very positive experience on the trip, we will now be able to share our experiences with our fellow church members. Please join us in praying diligently for Rex and Ruby and their children and for other workers in North Africa. 

*Names changed for security reasons.

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