Changed for the long term

Timothy* currently serves in North Africa, building contacts and friendships in his community and sharing the gospel of Christ as often as possible. 

“I went to Bible college, but not to study theology; I studied music and set up a Christian band. College didn’t last long though. I dropped out as the band became more successful. We were riding high, even getting gospel music awards. Then we played at a huge youth conference and the main speaker turned to everyone and said “What are you holding on to? What are you not giving up for God?” I knew. My heart whispered to my head ‘the band’. 

I said to the other band members that I couldn’t carry on. Lots of ideas were rattling around my head, including thoughts about whether I was called to mission. Then I found AIM and their short term opportunities. “Great”, I thought “I can do that for a year, do my Christian deed, and tick that off my list”. So I signed up to work with a construction team, building houses for new Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) teams. It was on this short term team that I encountered Islam, and Christians who had grown up as Muslims. It opened my eyes. I was invited to attend an AIM conference and the information we were given compelled me to think more about what I was going to do with the rest of my life. So I went back to Bible school, finished my degree, and then signed up for a TIMO team. I knew that God was calling me to serve him, and to share the gospel long term.” 

Pray that more church leaders in the UK would challenge young people to consider mission

*names changed for security

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