A burden to pray

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Beth* has just been accepted to serve with AIM. She shares why she feels called to a creative access location.

I grew up wanting to be a missionary, feeling the challenge of Romans 10:14 as a personal call to go, especially to people who had never heard of God’s grace available through Jesus. Going to a creative access nation last summer on an AIM short term team was literally life changing for me. It was my first experience of being in a Muslim country and I was overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the local people I met, but also by their need to know Jesus. I felt the truth of this verse: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” (2 Cor 4:4).

The burden to pray for the country I’ll be serving in, with its millions of men, women and children facing eternity without Christ, has continued to grow.

As I think about how God has led me to the point of applying to serve long term with AIM, I am overwhelmed by his continued love, kindness and faithfulness toward me. I am so thankful for the blessing of wonderful Christian parents who have loved and supported me, for churches in Lisburn, Glasgow and Liverpool which have faithfully taught me the truth of the Bible, and for Christian friends who have encouraged, challenged and prayed for me.

The burden to pray for the country I’ll be serving in, with its millions of men, women and children facing eternity without Christ, has continued to grow. I am excited to be joining the ongoing work there, knowing that God is faithful and is calling Muslims to follow him.

* Name changed for security reasons

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