S3 EP2 Amos talks to Phil Gibson about his new role as Mission Advisor at AIM
In our latest podcast, Amos talks to Phil Gibson about his new role as Mission Advisor at AIM.
As part of our vision to see Christ-centred churches among all African peoples we are committed to working with and helping to develop the African church. Recognising AIM’s own need of training, we work with the African church to develop mutually equipping resources. We are passionate about learning alongside African church leaders as together, we take advantage of training and development opportunities.
Church development work can mean being involved in fledgling churches, supporting new church leaders as they seek to be godly role models, or helping to develop discipleship methods. It can also mean providing theological education, or hosting seminars where church leaders can learn from each other, within the ever changing context of many parts of Africa.
Ultimately, we hope that our work with African churches will lead them to be centres of hope and love that will draw more people to Jesus. We pray that this work will lead to those who have yet to hear the gospel, being reached with it’s wonderful truth. If your passion is for the local church and the impact it can have across communities and across nations, will you join us?
In our latest podcast, Amos talks to Phil Gibson about his new role as Mission Advisor at AIM.
The Molenaar family moved to Kampala, Uganda, in the Summer of 2023, with the aim of focusing specifically on reaching the region of Karamoja.
In this episode, one our missionaries, Barry Mann, sits down with Molula. Born and raised in Lesotho, Molula participated in the Farming God’s Way programme at Growing Nations in Maphutseng after completing school.
Amos continues his talk with Eddie and Rachel Andersen, who work in Dukana, northern Kenya. They talk about how the work originally started among the Gabbra.
Amos talks to Jack and Phil about the time that each of them spent serving short term in Africa. All three served in Dukana, northern Kenya among the Gabbra people. They talk about their experience and the impact it had on each of their lives.
Eddie and Rachel Andersen work in northern Kenya. They share a little about their story and how they came to be working among the Gabbra.