Your journey to serving
Long term

Your journey to long term service is deliberate and clearly thought out so, together – you, your church and AIM – we can be sure this is God’s calling and you are well prepared for missionary life. This part of the journey can run from a few months to a couple of years …everyone is different.


1. Informal Chat with Mission Advisor
Pray and talk with church leaders

If you want to chat with a Mission Advisor about your journey to serving with AIM, please use this form to get in touch.

Interested in serving form (compact)

The PQ provides AIM your basic details such as your address, education and work experience. It does not commit you to anything nor is it an application form – but it does indicate your serious interest in enquiring further with AIM.

2. Preliminary Questionnaire
Basic details to start a formal enquiry



3. AIM talks with your Church Leader
Confirm we are all happy to progress with your application

AIM firmly believes that it is the local church that the Lord has called to take the gospel to all the world; AIM’s role is to serve and support the church to do what God is calling it to do. It is your local church who will send you in to cross-cultural mission, as part of their response to the great commission, and will continue to support you in prayer, practically and financially when you go. An AIM mission advisor will meet with your church leadership and will ask their opinion on your suitability for cross-cultural mission work, as well as wanting to hear your church’s readiness to spiritually and practically send you into mission.

In this next key step, AIM wants to understand how you came to Christ, why you want to join AIM, what ministry you and your church feel the Lord is leading you to and what you believe about a range of theological issues. The application papers ask in-depth questions and should not be rushed. Your mission advisor is available to help and will encourage you to discuss with your church leadership if you struggle with any of the questions.

4. Full Application Papers
A personal, professional and theological application



5. References
From Christians and others who know you well…

The aim of the application process is to help you, your church and AIM discern this is God’s will and to find the right place for you in what God is doing. Your friends, colleagues and church leaders know you best and so the five references AIM requests give a good insight into your character and what God is leading you to.

Throughout the AIM application process your mission advisor and the personnel office will be seeking to match you up to suitable opportunities. This is a fluid process and forms an important, on-going part of the application process.

6. Discuss Potential Assignments
We’ll start looking ahead to match you with suitable opportunities



7. First Interview
You will be interviewed by one of our mobilising team

Once you have returned the application papers and your references have been received by AIM, your mission advisor will get in touch to arrange your first interview. It will normally take place in a mutually agreed location, possibly in your home or somewhere local. Your mission advisor will invite one or two others with relevant experience to assist them in the interview.

If the first interview goes well and you are put forward for the second interview, the AIM personnel team will get in touch with you to arrange your second interview. This will take place in Nottingham and your church will be invited to send a representative to join the interview panel.

8. Second Interview
…with AIM directors and your church leader



9. Accepted into AIM Membership
Welcome to the AIM family!

Normally, on the day of your second interview, the interview panel will make a decision and inform you straight away if you have been accepted into membership. 

Once you have been accepted into membership of AIM, the personnel team will work with AIM’s leadership in Africa to agree your assignment. This will include location and the ministry you will do, together with details of budgets and any additional training that might be needed.

10. Confirmation of Assignment
When we’re all agreed at home and on the field



11. Completion of AIM’s Bible Requirements & Equip pre-field programme
There’s a foundational level of preparation and learning to work through

Throughout the application process your mission advisor will have been talking with you about the Bible Requirements and training you need before you go to Africa. Many applicants start their Bible training before or whilst they are applying to AIM. If any Bible training is outstanding, now is the time to complete it. AIM also has a web-based pre-field training programme called ‘Equip’ that all new members need to complete.

Some AIM members need further professional training in order to equip them for their future ministries – for example Tropical Medicine courses/TEFL/or pilot acclimatisation.

12. Additional Study/Training Required
For some, additional or professional training may be required



13. Prayer and Support Raising
Getting your support team and funding for the duration of your assignment in place before you leave

After acceptance into membership one of the biggest challenges is prayer and financial support raising. The personnel and finance teams will build a budget for you so that you know how much support you will need to raise. Your mission advisor will also work with you to coach you and your church (if needed) through the support raising process. It can seem a daunting challenge but, time and time again, we have seen God provide in amazing ways!

Member care

Our care for our missionaries begins as we help you prepare to go. It continues as teams and units are structured to deliver support and accountability. Our dedicated ‘Member Care’ teams, both in Africa and the UK, provide a range of professional and informal support and guidance services.

14. Europe Based Orientation
Four days of helping to gear your thinking and preparation for what lies ahead



15. Commissioning Service
Your church will formally commission and send you shortly before you leave

This is a really important day: when your church formally sends you out. You and your church have worked hard to get here – it’s a special time of celebration! Your mission advisor will be available to support you and your church as you prepare the commissioning service and will be there to take part in the day itself.

All new AIM missionaries are required to attend Africa Based Orientation (ABO) in Kenya during their first year of service. ABO is three weeks long and seeks to help you grow in confidence in cross-cultural living, ministry and life. It’s a special time of learning and making friends with other new workers – often those friendships last for the rest of your life!

16. Africa
Three week Africa Based Orientation, en-route to your first two-three year assignment



17. Home Assignment
A necessary break from a full-on first assignment as you get ready to return

As part of the regular rhythm of life as a missionary, you will have an extended period of time back in your home country at the end of each assignment. AIM calls that time ‘Home Assignment’. During this time, you will be encouraged to rest, both physically and spiritually and reconnect with family, friends, your church and your supporters.