Will you pray for the children of Tanzania?

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In the 2012 census of Tanzania, children under 15 represented 44% of the total population. Please join us in praying for the children of some of Tanzania’s people groups and for the missionary families working in Tanzania, seeking to share the gospel and develop Christian leaders for Tanzania’s future.

Hearing the word

One of the AIM team members working among the Alagwa teaches English at the local school, seeking to build relationships with young people and their families. Some of the children are encouraged not only to attend school, but local Islamic classes too. Here they learn to blend African traditional religious teaching with Islamic views. Pray that they would also have opportunities to hear about Jesus and his love.

New generation

Datooga children attending a nursery school in Endamaghy village will be the first generation of their people group to grow up knowing about Jesus. Pastor Paulo and his wife are reaching out and sharing the gospel in their village, in the wider community and among neighbouring people groups. Pray that among this group of children there will be future Christian leaders, who are passionate and courageous in their ability to share the good news that they are hearing.

Family men

In Magambua, Australian missionary Margaret Papov has the opportunity to witness many new babies coming into the world. It’s not often that she walks into the delivery suite to see a mother and father praying together as labour intensifies. As this baby arrived though, the mother’s disappointment at receiving another little girl was clear to see. But the father praised God for a healthy child. Pray for more men to be godly leaders of their families, seeing equal value in their children.

Right priorities

Gitiyenga became a Christian aged 14. For two years he’d been listening to Christian stories in school, then gradually started attending the fledgling church established by a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team in his village. Whilst completing his teaching training studies, Gitiyenga was president of his college’s Christian Union. Now he hopes to be posted as a teacher to a rural area of Tanzania where people have yet to hear of Jesus. Pray for more young people to prioritise the spread of the gospel.

Freedom and hope

Where Jeremy & Leah Krahn live among the Zigua in Komsanga village there are no schools, no books, and no libraries. When girls hit puberty they are kept inside and after a year or so of isolation are married off. Boys begin work before they hit their teenage years, or worse, have no work and get into trouble. The whole village considers themselves to be Muslim, although few have a real understanding of what that means. Please pray for young people growing up here, that their longing for freedom and hope would bring them to Jesus.

Missionary children

Pray for missionary children living with their parents and adjusting to home schooling. Pray for motivation for them and their parents and for excitement and enjoyment in learning. Pray for those children who are living apart from their families at boarding schools, that they will know comfort in Christ and fellowship with their fellow students. Pray too for parents who desperately miss their children, but diligently follow God’s call on their lives.

Knowing Christ

The Haven of Peace Academy in Dar es Salaam is committed to provide a distinctly Christian education. Initially established in 1994 by missionary families looking for a means to educate their children whilst serving in Tanzania, the school’s pupil intake still includes over a third from missionary families. Give thanks for the way that this school is facilitating ministry in and around Dar es Salaam, and pray that the children attending would grow not only in academic knowledge but in spiritual maturity during their time there.

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