Help us mobilise more teachers!

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Many missionaries return home each year because of a lack of good educational options for their children. We recognise that for missionaries to thrive on the field we need to be a part of meeting this vital need. To do that, we need your help.

Please would you pray with us for more teachers to be called to serve God overseas? Could you share this need with your church? Do you know people who love Jesus and who would fulfil this vital role?

Teaching as part of a team

Team ministry is one of the most effective ways to do ministry among an unreached people group. Our Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO), Focus and Ministry teams often include families, ministering in remote places where there are no schools. For them to thrive and be effective, we need teachers to join them. Please can you pray for teachers to hear God’s call to serve families in this way, and to be a part of reaching the unreached?

Teaching in International Schools

As well as homeschooling, we need teachers who are willing to teach missionary children in established school settings. Rift Valley Academy, Wellspring Academy, Acacia International School and the Haven of Peace Academy are schools across Africa following UK and US curriculums and offering education to missionary children. Please pray for teachers willing to fill the vacancies in these schools at both primary and secondary level and support children often living away from their parents.

Teaching Short Term

Serving as a teacher can also be a short term option. Please could you pray for teachers, who would be willing to serve for a term, or an academic year in Africa? Taking a career break, or an opportunity to experience teaching in a different context can make a massive impact on missionaries’ lives. Knowing that teaching requirements are filled for a set amount of time can allow parents to embark on a particular ministry project.

Teaching in National Schools

Teachers are not just needed at schools catering to missionary children. We also have opportunities for teachers to serve in national schools. Serving through teaching can enable relationships to be built with parents, fellow teachers and community leaders, meaning that there are more opportunities to share the gospel and explain the hope we have. Pray for more teachers willing to serve Jesus through sharing the good news in Africa.

Teaching English as a foreign language

Teaching doesn’t just have to mean working with children. There are lots of opportunities to share the gospel and serve as a missionary through teaching English to people of every age. For example, in Chad, English teachers are able to use the Bible as their main English speaking text. Please pray for those who are able to teach English as a foreign language to consider whether they could serve in this way in Africa.

Teaching at Africa Based Orientation

AIM’s new long-term missionaries begin their time in Africa with a three week Africa Based Orientation (ABO) in Kenya. While parents attend the adult orientation, their children also enjoy a structured children’s programme designed to immerse them into life and ministry in Africa at an age-appropriate level. Please can you pray for teachers and those interested in teaching to consider serving through this short term assignment and make a difference to the lives of these missionary children?

Help with Homeschooling  

It’s not only families working in teams that need help from teachers. Missionary families can need help with homeschooling in a variety of different locations. Please can you pray for teachers with experience of teaching different ages at the same time? For people who would be willing to become a part of a missionary family, developing friendships with the parents and offering vital support to their children?

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