Choosing what is better – women of the word!

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Nancy Lambrechts helps teach and train the women at ‘Preach the Word’ in Kigali, Rwanda. She writes…

Choosing what is better – women of the word!

When Jesus went to the home of Martha, many things distracted her, while Mary sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. When Martha appealed to Jesus and asked if he did not care that her sister had left her to do all the work, Jesus responded by saying, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset by many things, but few things are needed-or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better.”


Nancy Lambrechts

Nancy Lambrechts is currently living and working in Kigali, Rwanda at ‘Preach the Word’ training course.

While Loots and Determine teach the main Bible program, Nancy supports this ministry by teaching and training the women. She meets with women on an individual basis to read the Bible and apply the gospel into their lives and also runs the ladies fellowship. Recently Nancy wrote six studies from Mark’s gospel, which she taught to the women and which were also translated into Kinyarwanda and made into a study booklet. The challenge was for each woman to pray for opportunities to read Mark’s gospel with one other person. They were amazed at how the Lord answered those prayers.



Words of life

Arlene Murerwa, a PTW student, shares about her passion to share the gospel with  women in Rwanda.

Based on my experience, knowing the truth of the Bible has given me peace in my heart especially after being saved. I was the only person in my family to get saved and it was hard for me to know the way forward. When I started reading the Bible, I discovered that it contains words of life that have assured me that what God has promised is really true.

Teaching and taking the gospel to other women is a crucial thing because they need also to know that Christ has died for them and they have to put their trust in him in order to be saved. Again in our context we don’t have many women who are able to handle the Bible correctly so it is our responsibility to teach our friends and relatives the Jesus of the Bible.

From the moment I became a follower of Jesus, I realised that there is no better place than at the feet of Jesus, listening to what he says. What a privilege for Mary and Martha to have the Lord of life in their home. Today we are able to set our minds on Jesus as we sit at his feet and listen to him through his living word.

I sometimes wonder how people cope without a Bible, as it answers the most essential questions in life, it gives us hope and reassurance of God’s plans and promises, while we live in a troubled and hostile world. And what do I have to give others if I am unable to share his teachings, which are such good news in a world full of sin, suffering and pain.

This is why I have dedicated my life to studying the word, first for myself and then to teach and train other women. Wherever I have lived I have gathered women together in small groups or individually to study the Bible. I don’t have all the answers, but I know that when we study the word together I am leading people to the feet of Jesus, who knows all things.

Often I meet Christian women who don’t really read their Bibles, or feel that they don’t understand what it says. They feel ill equipped to disciple or teach other women and they question whether this is really their role anyway. While I firmly believe that male leadership should be responsible for the public preaching of the word, I also firmly believe that women have a momentous role to play. Women have many opportunities to gather with their friends, children, colleagues, and neighbours; opportunities to lead people to the feet of Jesus, to listen to him and not to listen to the stories we have to tell. And so as women, let’s choose what is best and sit at the feet of Jesus. Let’s listen to what he says through his word, and then pray for opportunities to meet with other women and lead them to do likewise.

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