16 maart 2018

Tony & Cath Swanson

“[Recently] I (Tony) had the privilege of meeting with a Tanzanian pastor whom I have known for two decades, called Alfred Ndaro. Alfred is a man in his late 50s who has given his life to serving God. Through tears, Alfred explained his desire to see the Africa Inland Church awake to its responsibility of taking the gospel to the remaining unreached peoples of Tanzania and beyond. Together with a Japanese SIM missionary colleague, he was seeking to set up a Mission’s Summit to coordinate the disparate missionary outreaches that are going on across Tanzania and to seek to mobilise the Tanzanian church to this call. We met together in Dodoma, the capital city of Tanzania, together with colleagues from AIM and AICT. Looking around the room I was in the presence of greatness; their stories and testimonies of God’s goodness and faithfulness would keep us occupied for hours. Missionary doctors, agriculturalists, school teachers and preachers of the gospel, praying and planning together to see God’s Kingdom Come and His will be done among the unreached. Please pray for Alfred, for the plans for his organisation MAPANA in training churches to engage in the Great Commission. It would be wonderful if MAPANA and the Institute of Bible and ministry could collaborate in making this vision a reality. Watch this space…”

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