10 februari 2017

Russ & Lyn Noble

Earlier this week Russ & Lyn returned to South Sudan after spending some time in Kenya. “It is the dry season now: months of no rain, oppressive heat, dusty dry air filled with dust and fire smuts from the fields burning off getting ready for the rains in April – a colourless landscape with nearby hills lost to view… However, the dear folk who live here on the brink of a possible war have been welcoming and we seek to learn how we can best encourage them and give them new opportunities to grow, even in different ways, now. We have to explore more whether we can get a literacy class going again, or some teacher training in another area. What is the best thing to do for the Toposa boys we help? Is it the right time to try trauma healing, and who can help? How can we be a better support to others – Mission colleagues and South Sudanese? We just got back on Monday after six weeks away, and we press on, praying and trusting the Lord will open the best doors to go ahead.” Please pray that God would clearly guide Russ and Lyn as to the best ways they can serve in Torit at the moment.

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